14. Scared

616 23 39

The Next Week...

Jacks POV

I woke up tired as usual as my alarm played. I immediately cut it off. Monday. Typical Monday.
I suddenly remembered what happened between me and Mark. Love stinks.
I got up and rubbed my eyes. I really didn't want to go to school today. On second thought. I didn't have too. I went to the bathroom and just brushed my teeth and wash my face not even caring about my hair. I went downstairs still in my pajamas. I stopped when I saw my mother crying sitting at the kitchen table.

"What's wrong?"

She looked at me as she took a tissue to wipe her tears.

"Jack it's your stepdad. He broke out of jail last night."

I frozed.


"its was on the news. He is out there somewhere.."

"Mom we have to move or something!"

"We can't.... I can't afford a plane ticket or a house."

"Well we have to do something! We can't just stay here!"

"Jack... I already told you."


I ran back upstairs to get ready for school.
I was not going to stay here. While a maniac is on the loose.

I ran back downstairs with my backpack on my back.

"Mom go to work now."

She nodded and headed to work.

I walked to school as usual.

A car pulled up beside me.

"Hey jack..."

I looked at the person who was sitting in the driver seat.


"What do you want!"

"I just wanted to ask you if you wanted a ride to school.."

"I'm fine with walking."

"Well... I did hear your dad was on the loose...."

I rolled my eyes and got inside the car and sat in the back.

I didn't even want to sit by him.

"Still mad?"

I didn't respond.

He huffed and started back driving again.

"Do you hate me?"

He asked.

I huffed and didn't respond.

"Jack.. Please answer me.. Do you hate me... It is hurting me bad."

Still not responding.

"Jack.. Do you even love me anymore?"

His cracked at the love part.

I still didn't respond.

"Do.. you... hate... me...?"

"No. I don't... I'm just disappointed."

"Why won't you forgive me?"

He stopped the car at the school parking lot and turned around to look at me.

"Because. What you did was wrong.."

Mark turned around and opened his side of the car.

"You never said we were over..."

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