The Start of a Good Thing

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*1 Year Later*

Sang POV

I can't believe I accepted this fight on my birthday. Actually yes I can. I'm fucking desperate. I've been in my Alpha powers for a year now but I'm a lone wolf and the urge to assert those powers sometimes gets too strong. I don't need the cash, although it is nice, I just need to release the pent up aggression and power. 

I've been in Great Falls, Montana for 6 months and I've been the reigning champion of an underground shifter fight club for 6 months. Men, women, it doesn't matter. I win. I've become somewhat of a legend around here but that's okay. I'm hoping it brings more shifters around so I can find a fucking mate. I don't even care if I find all of my fated at this point, just one will do. I need to tell someone about what I've kept secret for a year. It makes me sick to think about it but I know I can't trust anyone else. Hendricks threat still rings clear. He has people in high places. I don't know if he means on the council. I'm not willing to chance it. I don't know who to bring it up to and if i pick the wrong person, more lives are on the line and I can't accept that. 

I'm sitting in the locker rooms, wrapping my hands while the music in my ears blares through my headphones. Preparing me for tonight. I'm taking on a lion shifter. Cocky bastards. I think it's a male but I didn't catch the name when the slim ball who runs this place, Jared, called out to me with the fight sheet. I just got the time of my fight and the type of shifter. After that I walked away. 

I take my head phones out and realize I still have 25 minutes until my next fight. Might as well get a birthday shot. Not like it will do anything to me, being a shifter really takes the fun out of drinking. Metabolism is too high and I can barely catch a buzz on a long drinking night. 

I make my way to the bar when I catch a particularly strong scent.

Do you smell that? It smells like coffee and musk. It's delicious. I ask Asena.

Get closer. She responds.

I don't know where it's coming from. I move closer to the bar and catch the bartenders attention.

"Shot of tequila." He nods at my order and I turn to look around. I don't see any new faces but that's not really what I'm relying on. My nose will tell me where I need to go. 

The bartender hands me the shot and I take it back quickly before following the scent closer to the men's locker room. I normally wouldn't mind barging in but it's not really the place I want to chase a smell. I stand at the entrance waiting for whoever the smell belongs to, to come out. I still have about 10 minutes before I like to get back in the locker room to finish my warm up.

About 2 minutes pass before I smell it again. He walks past like a man on a mission. All I see is his soft brown hair and that he's about a foot taller than I am. He must figure I'm following him because he whips around and I met with the most beautiful 2 colored eyes. Ones green, similar to mine and ones blue similar to Asena's.

Mate. Asena growls seductively while I step closer instinctively 

"Mine" The stranger growls while looking at me. We just stand there for a moment staring at each other with lust filled eyes. Mother always told me it would be a strong sexual pull to your mate until you can mate them in bed. Boy was she not lying. 

I'm pulled from my lust filled stare when I hear the 15 minute bell for the next fight. Which is mine. 

"Come with me." I grab the strangers hand and pull him to the locker room. I head straight for my locker so I can finish getting ready but also so I can have him near me. 

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