Pack Lands

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Sang POV

"So, Marc, What's your wolfs name?" I ask our mate on the way to his pack lands. 

"Magnum. What about yours?" 

"Asena." I smile faintly. 

"Ahh. The Turkish she-wolf god, mother of wolves, if I'm not mistaken. You must be some wolf." He smiles at me before focusing back on the road. 

I chuckle at that. 'Some wolf'. He has no idea. 

"So Sang, what is your story?" Marc asks. 

"It's a long one. And while I want to tell you everything about me it's not a story for tonight." As much as I want to tell him everything, I need our mating bond to be complete. I need his full allegiance to me, especially if his Alpha doesn't want to get involved in the civil war that will ensue if Hendricks gets his way.

"What about you Marc? We're heading into your pack lands. Anything I need to know?" 

"Well this area is different than other pack lands you may be custom with. My Alpha, the White Falls pack Alpha, and the Alpha for the Black Falls pack are best friends. Actually the 3 heads from each pack are all best friends. So even though there is 2 packs on in this area, we have no turmoil between the packs." That's rare, normally male Alphas want to be the only males in the room and are constantly challenging other Alphas or being challenged. 

"Wow, their wolves must be best friends as well, to be in the same space as each other for so long." I say with awe in my voice. 

"Yea, they group grew up together. They're family." I try to keep my tears at bay. Family. Something I haven't had for a year. I don't even know if my fathers are alive. 

"So how come you were at the fights tonight?" I ask. "I've never seen you before."

"Actually, one of our wolves has been trying to get in the fights for awhile but he's too young and not prepared for it. I was there to try and talk him out of talking to the guy that runs it. He wants on the roster next week."

"Oh, Jared will let any one on the roster especially if he thinks it will be a good show. Did you talk him out of it?" I ask

"I couldn't find him in the locker room and before I could catch his scent I found you." He smiles as we pull up to a huge home. It looks to be more secluded than the houses we were driving by. 

"This is the Alpha house. The Alpha, Beta and Delta live here. Its right on the edge of our border and right behind this house is the Alpha house for the Black Falls pack. Both on the border of the 2 packs."

"Wow this group must be close if they can stand to be that close to each other and secluded from the rest of the pack." I chuckle. 

"They're both excellent Alphas, they just appreciate they're privacy when at home. We have a pack house closer to the rest of the homes that is like a recreational house. Anyone can come and go anytime they please. We hold all of our pack events in that house. It's equipped with everything we need. But no one permanently lives in it. It's different from a lot of packs but it works for us." I nod in a daze. Our home growing up was exactly what he is saying their pack house is, only my family and I all lived in it. It was an open door policy. My mother wanted everyone to feel comfortable with her as Alpha. But look how that ended, maybe this set up is a lot more safe as well as practical. 

"Come on, the other Alpha is here and the rest of the guys should be here in a little bit from doing a supply run." He grabs my hand while we walk up to the house. 

"Wait Marc, don't we need to knock?" I asked confused. 

"No sweet cheeks. I'm the Beta, I live here." I knew he had to be in the top ranks! He's to strong to just be a normal shifter. 

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