The Seventh Mate

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7th Mate POV

There is a prophecy, from long ago, that fortells the strongest alpha ever, male and female alike, will be the only one to stop the inevitable fall of all the supernatural communities. The prophecy talks about the alpha being the largest, purist (meaning a white coat), wolf in existence. She will have 7 of the strongest males in the supernatural community by her side to stop the downfall of us all and when the 7 of them mated to her, they would become immortal, with powers unknown to any supernatural kind. Very few have known of this prophecy and some of those few have tried to hide it from the world. Seeking the destruction, so they can ride up and become rulers. Evil rulers. But still rulers, nonetheless.

The man I consider a father knows of this prophecy and relayed it to me when he felt it was necessary. The council originally believed the Female Alpha of the Great White pack was who the prophecy fortold and some set out to destroy her. But when she only ever came upon 4 mates, they realized she was not who it was speaking of. But that didn't mean she was out of harm's way, in fact she was closer to trouble than she even knew. When I was just a young man, my adopted father Phil who is also a council member, took me along with him when he went to meet this Alpha and tell her of the dangers she faces.

When we arrived at those years ago, I still remember her daughter running around the house, laughing and giggling along with one of her father's. Right then I knew something was special about her. But our business was with her mother, so I turned away and followed my father to the Alphas office.

"Alpha Mary. It's a pleasure to meet you." My father bows. She returns the gesture and then glances at me. Surprised at what she finds. They always are.

"A Vampire. How did he get on my lands?" She asks in a cool tone. It's not uncommon for wolves to immediately distrust me. But I'm unlike my kind. I was born a vampire, not created, I age but will stop at 25, I do survive on blood but any blood will suffice, such as animal, I can walk out in the day unlike those created. Created vampires are vile creatures and I've never understood why our kind decided to create those monstrosities. I was raised in a wolf shifter community and my way of life is different than all others of my kind but I've always loved living in the shifter community. Strange for most but it's how my life has been. Phil found me young, when my family cast me out at 5 when I wouldn't bite a human, even then I knew it was wrong.

"This is my son Mary. He has a ring that a witch cast for me that allows him on to any pack lands that the council has access to. I can assure you he means no harm to you or your pack." She looks me over once, I don't know what she see's but her eyes soften and she nods.

"What do I owe the pleasure?" She asks Phil.

"Mary, I believe you are in danger. Well more importantly, I believe your daughter is." I whip my gaze to Phil. He's never voiced this.

"What makes you say that?" She replies with wide eyes. Fear for her daughter is evident.

Phil explains the prophecy in it's entirety before asking questions. "Now tell me Mary, is her coat white?"

"The whitest coat I've ever seen." She whispers. "She's strong Phil. She's 6 and I can feel her Alpha powers. Stronger than my own at the age. When she gets upset, and has no control of it, she can make some of my toughest wolves whimper and submit. Soon she'll be stronger than her father's and not far after, stronger than me." I stare with my eyes wide. I can't imagine that little giggling girl making grown shifters whimper.

"When she was born, the moon goddess came to me and brought me an enchanted box. Saying that everything Sang would need to know is in that box and when the time came it would call to her and open only for her. I didn't question it. I mean who would? It's the moon goddess. But never did I believe she would be destined for something like this." Mary explains. Looking more nervous now.

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