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There was no way this was happening to him.

Yet, there he was, laying in bed at 3 AM, thinking about those piercing blue eyes, that lip piercing, those beautiful dimples, and that stupid blonde hair he wants to run his fingers through.

Lover boy headed to the bathroom to wash his face and he heard some chattering in the living room.

"What's up, Ash?" Mikey and Calum chirped as if it was 12 in the afternoon.

"I was just washing my face. Why the fuck are you guys up at this time? We have to wake up early tomorrow."

"Take a chill pill man. You seem angry, what's wrong?" said Michael with a concerned look on his face.

Ashton walked over and turned off the ps3 and sat down in the unoccupied sofa contemplating rather to tell the boys the truth or not.

" Luke."

"I'm gonna go to bed because I don't like dealing with feelings and shit. Night lads." Mikey said with a smirk.

"What about Luke, Ashton?"

"Everything man. His stupid hair and stupid piercing and stupid face and his awkward yet adorable stupid laugh and I want to cuddle him and kiss him all over, and then throw him off a cliff for making me all fluffy and-" He was cut off by Calum giggling.

"What? it's stupid, I know. I'll just go"

"No,wait, cmon sit down. I didn't mean to laugh it's just so damn cute"

"Thanks now I feel like a 10 year old with a crush on his best friend"

"Cmon mate, go on."

"No you'll laugh again." Ashton said with a pout.

"I won't laugh, I promise."

"I don't know, Cal. I've never felt this way about anyone and it's so weird, but it's the best feeling in the world, but he's so aw and I'm so ew. Why would he like someone like me? I'm his best friend and I'll never be more than that."

"Dude, don't you see the way he looks at you? how he's always so protective of you?"Calum yelled forgetting that it's 3:30 am and he can wake the rest of the lads up.

" He just does that because I'm his best friend and that's all I'll ever be." Ashton sighed.

"You're wrong" Calum and Ashton suddenly froze when they heard Luke's sleepy voice.Calum ran to his shared room with Michael to give Luke and Ashton some privacy.

"How much of that did you hear?" Ashton said while playing with the strings of his pants regretting the question.

"All of it I think. Do I really have a stupid face?" Luke giggled causing Ashton to blush like a 5 year old.

"No, not really."

"I'm quite surprised about this, Ashy. Why me? I'm just a shy, awkward guy that likes to think he's punk, but really is a huge dork. You can do bet-" Luke was cut off by a soft pair of lips crashing against his.

"Don't even dare to say I can do better, Lucas. There's no such thing as 'better'. I've loved you ever since I met you and I can't believe I just kissed you holy fuck" Ashton said embarrassed at his own actions.

"Cmon,we should go to bed, its late." Ashton nodded as he walked into his room and lied down in bed not being able to comprehend what just happened.

"Ashton?" he heard Luke's soft voice coming from the door.

"What is it, Lukey?"

"Can we uh, ehm, sleep together?" he stuttered covering his face with his blanket causing Ashton to grin like an idiot. Ashton patted the bed as a signal for Luke to get into bed with him. Everything was quiet for a few minutes until Luke decided to break the silence.

"Ashton, Can I tell you something stupid? Ash? Are you asleep? Of course you are." Luke sighed as he turned to face Ashton.

"Since I can't seem to tell you these things while you're awake I'll say them while you're asleep because you can't hear anything. You make me so happy. Your smile and your laugh are like my drug and goddamn I'm so addicted to it. I want it to be like this every night until the day I die. You and me against the world. I know you can't hear me, but I love you and that's probably a stupid thing to say, but hey, I'm not exactly the smartest guy, am I?" Luke smiled to himself noticing how stupid he is.

"I think you're rather smart. I love you more, Luke." Ashton giggled as he kissed Luke's pink soft lips.

"You tricked me!" Luke yelled and Ashton covered his mouth causing Luke to laugh like a dumbass.

" Oops, sorry." Luke said while Ashton wrapped his arms around him.

"I love you, Ashy."

"I love you too, Lukey."

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