Chapter 3

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Eillen's P.O.V

"Don't worry, they won't bite" Mahogany whispered to me.

I smiled to her. She seems nice, she's not like the other girl who has a cake face. Oh, and we have the same hair, too. But mine is dark brown, hers is like ginger or something.

"Oh, I think we're going to be good friends" She smiled to me.

"Me, too. Thank God, you're not like the other girls in my school"

"What can I say, I'm unique" She winked at me. I laughed. Oh, I'm starting to like this girl.

Taylor put his arms on me. "Hey, room mate"

"hey, room mate" I put my arms on his back and laughed.

"Omg, I'm so excited. We're going to be best friend, we're going to do our nails, hair and talk about boys. Oh my gahd" Taylor said in a girly tone. I laughed at this.

Oh im starting to like these people.
Like I said, this is going to be so much fun.

We entered our room and i saw that there's only 2 beds. What the hell?

I turned around and saw Taylor's face. We have the same what-the-hell-is-this-face.

"Who arranged this?" I asked him.
"Bart" he answered kinda annoyed.

Uhhhhh, what is happening?

I saw Hayes entered the room, he has the same facial few minutes ago.

"Oh" he said
"Yeah, man" taylor replied.

"I think since she's a girl, she can take the other bed and you and I will share the other one" Hayes concluded.

Dang, for a 14 years old, he's smart.
I mean I am half asian for matt's sake. Damn, im sire my race is so proud of me.

I felt my phone vibrates on my pocket. I got it and I saw Carter texted me saying we're going to Panda Express.

"Guys, Carter texted me" I told them.
"What did he say?" Taylor asked
"We're going to Panda Express" I informed them.
"Ohmygoodness! Yaaas!" The two of them run out of the room, leaving me alone in the hotel room...

Well, okay then...

A/N hey guys! Sorry, its been a year. Im sorry i was busy with school and all. But the good news is, I graduated in High School ☺️ also, lets pretend the old magcon boys didnt break up for the sake of this story. This is gonna be tough for me bc a lot has happened in a year. Sk anyway, here a new chapter ☺️ Enjoy!

P.S. I changed the title from 'What you mean to me' to 'Story of us'

Peace, Love and Pizza,
Ei xx

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2015 ⏰

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