Chapter 12

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{You get to learn who Ocean's biological father is in this chapter. Enjoy}

Today me and Bradley are going shopping for the new house. Bradley has been talking with the realtor a lot and she said we might be able to move in next week.

So here's what I found out about the people that were living there before us. It was a older couple. They are in like there sixties. They literally put there house up on the market, packed, sold or donated everything they owned, bought a little recreational vehicle (RV) and are now somewhere in the middle of the country. It must be nice, right?

Yeah so the house is move in ready so when ever we are ready that's when we get it.

It's still the morning. Me and Bradley are going to meet at the store at twelve o'clock. I'm going into Sarah's room now to ask her to watch Ocean.

"Hey Sarah. Can you watch Oshee today?" I ask.

"I can't. Mom said I'm not allowed to anymore" Sarah says.

"Seriously?" I ask.

"Yep" Sarah says.

"Ok. See you later" I say. I leave her room and go into Ocean's room. He was still asleep.

"Oshee want to come somewhere with me and Bradley today?" I whisper.

"Yeah" He says and rolls over and opens his eyes.  That was easy. All I have to do is mention Bradley and he gets up right away.

I get him dressed and then he eats breakfast. I get dressed and we leave.

"Is Bradley going to be my daddy?" Ocean asks me as we are driving.

"I don't know. I haven't talked about it yet" I say.

"Then we will talk about it today" Ocean says.

"Ok" I say.

We arrive the store again and Ocean was not happy about it.

"Not this store again. I can only handle it once a week" Ocean says.

"Where do you hear that from?" I ask and laugh. He picks up a lot of funny saying from people.

"Sarah always says she can only deal with Peyton twice a week" He says.

"She's lying about that" I say.

I park the car and we get out and meet Bradley in the front.

"Hey" He says when we walk up to him

"Hi" I say

"Hi Bradley" Ocean says.

We get a shopping cart and go inside.

"What do we need to get here now? We were just here yesterday" Ocean complains.

"Me and Bradley need to get stuff for our room and for the kitchen. You weren't supposed to come. You were supposed to stay home with Sarah but that didn't happen" I say.

"How come?" Bradley asks.

"My mom won't let Sarah babysit him anymore" I say

"That sucks." Bradley says to me. "Oshee, if you behave and listen here I will take you to the toy store after and you can pick out whatever you want" Bradley says. We both know Ocean will behave and listen. Bradley just wants to go to the toy store.

"Ok I promise to listen" Ocean says

We walk through the store and get everything we need. We got stuff for the kitchen like plates, cups, utensils etc. Then stuff for our bedroom like laundry hampers, a lamp, basically just a bunch of little things you don't actually realize you need. We also got Ocean a laundry hamper because we forgot one yesterday.

We went up to the cash registers and Ocean showed Bradley the poop emoji plunger he got yesterday. Bradley found it hilarious.

The cashier scanned our stuff and I used the gift card my mom gave me to pay. Bradley wanted to use his credit card but I didn't let him. Last week was his first week working with his dad and he got his paycheck a couple days ago and has been dying to spend money.

"Did I listen in the store Bradley?" Ocean asks

"You did buddy. Let's go to the toy store" Bradley says.

We put everything we got in my car and then go to the toy store. It was pretty busy there because they were having some end of school thing for little kids. We walk over to it just to check it out.

Ocean runs over to the group of kids and says "Hi Skye" to one's of the girls.

"Hi Ocean" The little girl says back.

"That's Paris's little sister. Which means" Bradley says to me but was cut off.

"Hi guys. It's so funny seeing you here." Paris says

"Hey Paris" I say. Let me tell you a little bit about Paris. She was Bradley's first girlfriend. This was in ninth grade. She is still a little obsessed with him. When they were dating bradley wasn't allowed to talk to any other girls so I didn't talk to Bradley in ninth grade. She's a little annoying too.

"Hey" Bradley says to her.

"So Sabrina is that your little brother?" She asks

"Yeah he is and somehow he knows your sister" I say.

"Oh yeah. They went to preschool together. Skye would always talk about him. I think she had a little crush on him but won't say anything." She says and laughs a little bit.

"Yeah that's really funny. You see we have to get going. Ocean's mom wanted him home by two o'clock. We told him we would stop here quickly before they had to get him home. So we will see you later" Bradley says.

"Ok. Bye guys" She says.

"Oshee come pick out a toy" I say to him

He says bye to Skye than comes running over to us. Me, Bradley and Ocean start walking to the boy toys. Ocean was walking faster so he was ahead of us.

"I swear I will not let my son date that annoying little girl and her equally annoying sister" Bradley says.

"What did you just say?" I ask and laugh a little. I wasn't mad that Bradley called Ocean his son. It was actually really cute.

"Sorry I shouldn't have said that" He says.

"Don't be sorry. While we are on the topic of Ocean's dad. Have you thought about it?" I ask

"I have. I have a lot actually. I just want to know one thing. Ocean's biological dad won't ever try to come back into his life right?" He asks.

"I can't predict the future but considering how it went down between us almost five years ago i'm pretty sure he won't be coming back." I say

"Ok. I just want to make sure. If you don't mind me asking, who is Ocean's father?" He asks.

"You probably don't know him. He is three years older than us and went to another school. But his name is Peyton. Peyton Meyer" I say.

"So I see you and your sister have a thing for Peyton's" He says

"Yeah totally" I say sarcastically.

So Ocean picked out his toy. Then Bradley told him to get another one, so he did. We left the store and Bradley walked us to my car and said bye. I was leaving and I saw Bradley walking back into the toy store. I didn't think much of it. Bradley was probably just going in there to buy Ocean more toys or something. So I left and went home.

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