Chapter 15

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Today me and Bradley are signing the papers to get legal custody of Ocean. I've been waiting for this day for so long I can't believe it is actually here. Me and Bradley are driving there together with Ocean and my parents are driving there together in a separate car.

"Are you excited?" Bradley asks.

"I'm so excited I don't even know how to put it into words" I say.

"I figured that." Bradley says to me. "Oshee are you excited?" Bradley asks.

"For what?" He asks.

"Your going to become our kid today" I say.

"Yeah. I'm excited" He says

We arrive at the court building and go inside. We don't actually have to go into a court room and stand in front of a judge. Since my parents said they just want to sign the papers and not fight for him we just have to go into this little office room. They don't want to fight for him since the judge normally sides with the biological parent or parents.

We walk inside and wait in the waiting room. After about five minutes they call us in. We go behind the court and into a room with a table.

My mom and dad sit on one side, me and Bradley sit on the other and Ocean sits on my lap. The judge is going to sit at the head of the table.

He walks in and sits in his seat.

"Hi guys. Welcome" He says. "Now before we start, I want you to sit over there across from me for intimidation purposes" He says to Ocean.

I put Ocean down and he goes over to the head of the table on the other side.

"Ok so I understand that your two want to give custody of Ocean to your daughter" The judge says.

"Yes that's right" My mom says.

"Why?" He asks.

"He's her biological son. When he was born we took custody of him since she was only fourteen" My dad says.

"Ok. So how are you involved in this?" He asks Bradley.

"I'm Sabrina's boyfriend and I would like to become basically his adopted father" Bradley says.

"Where is Ocean's biological father?" The judge asks.

"He isn't involved in Ocean's life. He stopped talking to me when he found out I was pregnant" I say.

"So he isn't on the birth certificate?" He asks.

"No" I say.

"What are the living situations like?" He asks.

"As of right now her and Ocean still live with us" My mom says.

"Me and Bradley bought a house together and are moving in next week" I say.

"Does he have everything he needs like a proper sleeping place and bed?" He asks.

"Yes he does. It's a three bedroom house and a huge finished basement that is going to get turned into a play room" Bradley says. He's really proud of the house.

"Do at least one's of you have a job?" He asks.

"I do. My dad owns a company and I am the CEO there" Bradley says.

"I don't. I'm going to go to a local college in the fall" I say.

"I'm going to kindergarten!" Ocean says.

"Kindergarten is the best. You'll have fun there" The judge says to Ocean.

"I don't see any reason why these two can't raise him. As long as all four of you are all ok with this you can sign the papers now" He says.

We all agree that we are ready and he gives us the papers.

Me and Bradley get adoption papers and my mom and dad get papers to sign over there custody to me and Bradley. Once we read and sign them we give them back to him.

"Great. These should be finalized and everything within two weeks. Thank you for coming today" He says and stands up.

We leave the room and leave the building and go outside. My mom and dad go in there car and leave. Me, Bradley and Ocean go in his car.

I'm officially Ocean's mom.

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