Rap Battle - Rocky/Park Minhyuk X Male! Reader X Jinjin/Park Jinwoo

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A/N: This one is inspired by my one of my favorite moments in To Be Continued. If you don't know what To Be Continued is, it's a online series that followed the boys of Astro as the traveled back in time to their high school years. It was really interesting and the pacing and story line were really well thought out. Overall, I definitely recommend that you watch it if you haven't.

*Rocky's POV*

School was finally over. It felt like such a chore. I hated it. I hated everything about it. Well... not everything. There was one thing that I liked. More specifically there is one person that I like. His name is Y/N. He was the most handsome boys out of all the boys in my class.

Well, at least to me he was. He stood out from all the others in my class. I wanted to spend the rest of my days with him. I wanted to confess to Y/N but there was someone else standing in my way. One of my best friends. Park Jinwoo or better known as, Jinjin. He also had a huge crush on Y/N. I couldn't let him have him. I wouldn't allow him to win him.

*Jinjin's POV*

I looked around the corner at the bench that was under a couple of trees. Y/N was sitting there looking over some of his notes from our class earlier. We had been paired up for a project and we were supposed to meet up after school to start on it, but I don't know if I want to.

I fell for Y/N. I loved Y/N. I wanted to talk to him, but I was too scared. I knew that Rocky had a crush on him as well. We had made it clear that we were at war for Y/N's love. I planned to win. But I had to put that aside for now. I had to just talk to him and get to work on this project.

I gathered up all of my courage and walked over to Y/N. "Hey Y/N! I'm here!" "Oh! Hey Jinjin. How are you?" I rubbed the back of my neck nervously. "I'm okay. How are you doing?" "I'm good. A bit stressed out over this project, but I know that I have an amazing partner to help get through it."

It suddenly felt like my heart had been hit by an arrow. Y/N's smile made him that much more attractive. His personally was even more amazing. "Shall we get going to the cafe so we can start working?" I felt myself blush a little bit, "Yeah sure! I'm ready when you are!"

*Rocky's POV*

That was it. This was the last straw! I felt my blood boil over as Jinjin gently touched Y/N's hand. Who gave him the right to talk to Y/N?! He knew that I liked him and here his is, trying to steal him away from me. I stormed into the cafe and over to the table where the two of them were sitting.

Jinjin looked up at me. "Rocky, what are you doing here?" "I was just passing by and I looked in the window and here you are with Y/N! You know that I have a crush on him and yet here you are trying to get him to fall for you instead of me! This is low, Jinjin! How can you do this to me?!"

"Rocky, Y/N doesn't belong to you. I like him too. Our teacher assigned us to be partners for a project and we're just here to work on it." "That doesn't mean that you can just hold his hand and make him laugh! I'm supposed to do that! I liked Y/N first! You just started liking him because I liked him!"

"That's not true! I've always liked Y/N." "You know what?! There's only one way to settle this! I challenge you to a rap battle for Y/N's love!" "You are so on Rocky! I'm going to kick your ass and win Y/N over!" "Over my dead body, jackass!" With that Jinjin and I both stormed off leaving Y/N all alone in the cafe.

*Time skip, Rocky's POV*

I paced back and fourth in the gaffed tunnels. This is where it was all going down. The place where Jinjin and I had our first rap battle. The rap battle that made us friends. Well, now it was different. Today would be the day that I truly got to be with Y/N. "Shall we get this over with?" I looked up and saw Jinjin standing next to one of the "audience" members. "I think we shall." With that the music started and the insults began.

*Y/N's POV*

I watched helplessly as my two best friends tore into each other. The hurtful remarks that were being thrown at each other made my heart break. I got up to intervene, but was quickly stop by my friend Moonbin. "Let go of me, Bin."

"Y/N no. Just let them do this. Maybe then they'll stop fighting with each other." I tried to struggle against Moonbin but he was a hell of a lot stronger than I was. "I can't just watch this! They're my friends and as much as I hate seeing them fight, I can't just stand by and watch them do this to each other!"

Bin hugged me tightly and sighed. "Y/N, you know why they are doing this?" I shook my head no. "I don't and it's really bugging me. They haven't spoke to each other in weeks." "They're doing this because they both really like you. They both want to date you."

My head started to spin. Was I that oblivious? How come I never noticed? "Moonbin, how long has this been going on? A week? A month?" He chuckled a bit. "Try 3 years."

"What?! That long?!" "Yep. It's only now that they've started fighting." Moonbin relaxed his grip on me allowing me to escape. I ran over to Rocky and Jinjin were standing. I jumped in between the two of them leaving them both a little confused. Rocky looked at me with concern.

"Y/N what's wrong?" "Both of you need to cut this out! I don't like seeing the two of you fight!" Jinjin spoke, "This is what has to be done Y/N. It's the only fair way to decide who will get to date you."

I looked to Jinjin then to Rocky. "But it's not fair to me. I don't want you guys to fight over me. I don't want you two to fight over anything. You guys are friends. And if anything, the only fair way would be for me to pick which of you I, myself, want to date."

Both boys moved so that they were facing me and standing shoulder to shoulder. "Okay then Y/N. Choose! Me or Rocky. It doesn't matter who you pick we will respect your choice either way." I swallowed the lump in my throat as I glanced at the two boys.

"Fine. Then I guess... I will... Do I really have to choose?" "Yes Y/N! Please! Do it for us!" I sighed, "I'm only doing this because I want you two to stop fighting. Okay... I choose..."


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