Llume Nar An Gwistol (Times Are A Changing)

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Entering they found Thorin at the table, hands clasped together and in his thinking pose. - Gwen didn't know what this pose meant.

"Uncle? What's wrong?" Gwen looked to the two, then to Thorin.
"It's nothing, boys."
"We don't have much to eat, but will this do?" She asked pulling out cheese with crackers.
Gwaeneth knew Dwarves were accustomed to eating meat.
The boys nodded. "Yes, Gwen. Thank you." Fili spoke.
They all ate rather hurriedly. Gwen liked when they were over - manners didn't matter.
Thorin studied the girl, 'where would she go?' He couldn't help but wonder.
She was beginning to feel like family.
He tried to hide his concern by smiling whenever one of the children looked at him.

Something would be figured out, that was certain.


* apostrophe in 'italics are thoughts'
- Example: 'I had no idea where to go now...'

* Bold asterisk symbol * symbols are a translation in Elvish.*
- Example: "Mae Govannen." *Well Met.*

* Italics without apostrophes give more emphasis it the word(s)
- Example: Run. Run!

* Dreams will be within Bold dash and asterisk symbols
- Example: -* She drempt of the night it happened. *-

* Memories will be italic and within bold colons ::
- Example: :: Gwaeneth remembered the day her father made her wooden sword. ::


Weeks passed, and meeting and playing with Fili and Kili became a regular thing. Sometimes Thorin joined them meeting me, other times it was Dis who was their mom, or Frerin Fili and Kili's other uncle and rarely, guards joined when the adults were busy. These visits made Gwaeneth happiness increase. Until she came home. Then she remembered that her father was dying. And she had no clue how to contact her last family member... That he had no idea what was going on, and what had happened.

The Durin's were now like family to her, they saved her. Saved her from fading like her father. Gwaeneth had tried to get through to her father, multiple times. But, she figured that it was best if he was with mum. She in the end, had family. They weren't blood-related. But they were family. When she was down, she repeated over and over 'everything happens for a reason.' And, it made things just a bit easier. If only a tiny bit.


The day came where she awoke to a feeling of something being wrong. Terribly wrong. The now (looking) eight year old Gwaeneth hurried out of bed, teddy bear in hand and searched the house. 'What could have triggered that feeling?' She wondered?

Heart beating fast, it seemed as if time slowed.
The door to her parents room was open.
A body was hunched over the bed.

She took a sharp breath in before dropping her teddy bear. Eyes glued to his body.

Her father had faded...
He was gone.

She ran to him, trying to shake him awake.
Body still somewhat warm.
"Father, wake up..." She begged beginning to cry.

A faint whisper, was in the air. "...Whatever may come...stay strong. Never stop fighting." It was her mum's voice, reminding her. "How can I when I'm alone in the world?" She asked the air. As if her mother was right next to her, she heard her speak: "You'll be alright, my child. We love you." Then silence...

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