Erebras (Erebor)

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"Greetings, Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn." I spoke shyly, Bowing my head.
"Rise, Gwaeneth. You need not bow to me." She smiled.
"Mithrandir, it is nice to see you again." Lord Celeborn spoke.
"As it is you, my Lord."
"Your home is beautiful."
"Thank you, Gwaeneth. The Lady and I were hoping that it might become your home for a time."
"My home?" You wish me to live here, in Lothlórien?" I asked, bewildered.
Galadriel smiled.
'Take your time with decisions, Gwaeneth. You have lost much. However have hope. You will meet them again.' She spoke, using telepathy.
I nodded my head.

Looking between my Grandpa, the Lord and Lady I answered.
"I will stay, for a time."


* apostrophe in 'italics are thoughts'
- Example: 'I had no idea where to go now...'

* Bold asterisk symbol * symbols are a translation in Elvish.*
- Example: "Mae Govannen." *Well Met.*

* Italics without apostrophes give more emphasis it the word(s)
- Example: Run. Run!

* Dreams will be within Bold dash and asterisk symbols
- Example: -* She drempt of the night it happened. *-

* Memories will be italic and within bold colons ::
- Example: :: Gwaeneth remembered the day her father made her a sword. ::

* Time travel will be within Bold Tilde the wording will be italic ~
- Example: ~ she saw them. ~


Song: In Dreams
Artist: LOTR Soundtrack

It had been a few months since we came to Lothlórien, my temporary home.
Gandalf and Lady Galadriel had been busy teaching me magic and when they weren't busy teaching me, the archers and warriors were - swords and archery. They didn't want me to get rusty. Some Elves even used daggers, which I was thankful for. I now knew how to use them.

My first lesson in magic? Recovery Touch. It was explained by Lady Galadriel that even if the person or plant was hanging on by a thin thread of life, I could bring it back. If they were dead, I could not.

She brought out a dying plant and set it in front of me, a chair for grandpa was set down. This was going to be a long lesson.

"What do I have to do?" I asked.
"Focus on the plant. How it would feel right now. Dying. How much pain it must be in. Close your eyes, focus. Once you can feel it's pain wave your hand over the plant."


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