Chapter 6

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Sabrina's POV

Dream Starts

I am in a cave, the inside was not as dark as one would expect. I saw a little girl along with a mini 'Syaoraon'.
The girl was standing in the middle of pond and was surrounded by pale blue flames. The boy was standing a little further from the edge of the pond.

What's happening?

The brown-haired girl turns and says, "Who are you? Wh-what are you doing here?"

What does she mean by that? What are those gastly looking flames? Why is this scene oddly familiar?

But before I could think about anything else, everything turned black and dark. It faded away into nothingness. The scene changed completely.

I looked around but couldn't see anyone or anything.

This has never happened before?

I see a faint light ahead. As I walk towards it, it materializes into that woman, who claimed to be the dimensional witch.

Why is she here? And how did she enter my dream?

"Use your blood to the fullest, for you will not die"

"What do you-"

But before I could complete my sentence, the hologram disintegrates into a pile of feathers.

Once again the scene changes. My surroundings are still black but I see the brown-haired girl from my earlier dreams. She was flying or floating in air.

What in the name of God is going on? I feel like I know this girl.... Yet....

A pair of wing-like apparition sprout from her back. They are glowing with pink light.

I feel like I have seen this glow before.

Dream Ends

I open my eyes and sit up.

I know that girl.... That small girl.
But why are my dreams always about her and that boy?

I look at my arms....

No more scratches??


Syaoran's POV

As soon as I am out of the ruins, a soldier covered in black attacks me with a pair of claws that are similar to that of a wolverine.

How do I defend myself?

I glance down at Sakura and brace myself for the blow.


I hear someone scream. I look up and see the robot soldier lying on the ground and his majesty with a black sword in hand.

Thank God.... But how did he know?

"Your slow, brat!", I hear him say.

"Your Highness!", I say, surprise evident in my voice.

"Is Sakura safe?", he asks me as stares at me.


I look down and find Sakura still limp.

Her body is still cold and she is showing no signs of movement either?

"Well....", I begin. "I asked if my sister is safe!", he says, this time irritation was visible in voice.

What should I say?

He attacks another robotic soldier that was approaching towards us.

I don't reply. I see Yukito from the corner of my eye.

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