Chapter 7

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Sabrina's POV

I get up from the bed and start exploring the house....

I keep walking straight until it's a dead end and the corridor diverges into two other corridors, one going towards and other towards the left.

Where did that strange lady go? Perhaps she would know something about that girl....

I think as I walk down the corridor on the right. It leads me to another corridor which turned right....

Am I walking in circles??

As soon as I think that, a backyard comes into my view. There I see her. Next to her stands a boy with black hair.

Besides that boy stood two girls, whom I have never seen before. One of the girls had long, gray hair braided into two plait and the other girl had short hair and wore what looked to be white gown. She wore a cap.

Her dress looks like that of a nurse from Harry Potter....

As I was wondering what they were doing out in the rain, a cocoon-like thing formed from the sky and dropped to the ground.

When it burst open a boy and a girl were visible. I kept walking until I came near the ledge of garden. I take a closer look at the boy.

He is the one from my dream!!

After that I look down and see that he is clutching a girl who was unconscious and had short, brown hair as if his life depended on it.

That girl....

"You have come Sabrina, meet Syaoraon and Sakura."


I turned my head in the direction of her voice.

"How did you know their names??", I reply.

"They don't call me the Dimensional Witch for nothing."

While we were talking two more of those cocoon-like things materialise and burst open to reveal a guy with white hair and blue eyes and a guy dressed completely in black. The white-haired guy had a staff while the guy dressed in black had a sword.

Who are these two??

"Who are you?", the guy in black asks Yuuko.

She doesn't reply....

Then the white guy starts, "The Dimensional Witch, correct?"

"That's what they call me."

"Please save Sakura!", Syaoraon says while clutching Sakura.

When the witch does not reply he repeats earnestly, "I beg you! Please save Sakura!"

I could feel the tension growing in the atmosphere as it starts to rain heavily.

Why isn't Yuuko saying anything?

The guy dressed in black stands up but remains silent.

After some time, Yuuko says, "The girl's name is Sakura?"

Why is she asking this??

"Yes", Syaoraon replies.

"And you?"


She already knows their names then why??

After this small introduction, Yuuko kneels and places a hand on top of Sakura's head and her body emanates a golden glow.

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