Little Bird Sings

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For those that don't know the "The Blue Bird" Story, it's a french folktale. If you like to read about it, the link is right below (The Blue Bird story)

I don't own any of the songs mention in this Chapter. All rights and credits go to their rightful owners.

Nightcore - Partners In Crime (Switching Vocals) - (Lyrics)

Nightcore - Pieces

Nightcore - Stay (Piano Version) - (Lyrics)


"Wh -what happened?" Adrien woke up and saw he was back in the library. "How did I -No! Plagg!" Adrien panicked when he saw no longer had his miraculous on his finger. "Ladybug!?" Adrien ran to the selves and started searching for her in every fairy tale book he could find. "Come on! Where are you M'lady!? Discarded books covered the floor and tables as Adrien desperately tries to find Ladybug. He let out a breath of relief when he found her in a tower, staring out into the distant. He quickly read through the book to understand what's going on with the story.

The queen sends Prince Charming many gifts, but when he hears they are from Truitonne, he rejects them. The queen angrily tells him that Florine will be locked in a tower until he leaves. Prince Charming is outraged and begs to speak with Florine for a moment. The devious queen agrees, but secretly arranges for Truitonne to meet the Prince instead. In the darkness of their meeting place, Prince Charming mistakes Truitonne for Florine and unwittingly asks for the princess's hand in marriage....

Adrien saw the fairy tale was named, "The Blue Bird" and smiled because it was also a good fairy tale he liked. "If Ladybug is the Princess than she is going to be in arrange marriage with some prince." Adrien tried to think of a way to help Ladybug and warn her about Storyteller but he doesn't have his miraculous anymore. "The Blue bird! I can be the blue bird that visits the princess! But how am I going to get back into the book?" Adrien thought about it and noticed a small hand mirror on the floor, "must belongs to Chloe." Adrien wondered if the mirror trick would work or not because he is the real world. "Mirror, mirror, in my hand. Take me to Ladybug's fairy tale land." Nothing happen as he stared at his refection in the small mirror, "come on!" Adrien threw the mirror to the ground but it sudden explode to a blue tornado of smoke, "yes! I'm coming M'lady!" Adrien jumped inside the tornado and flew inside the book in a flash of white light.

*Inside the book*

Adrien open his eyes and saw he was standing on a tree branch, "I'm a blue nightingale!"

Adrien smiled and flew in the air, *this is amazing* He flew in loops as he soar threw the sky. *I have to find Ladybug!* Adrien flew and saw the castle and quickly went straight for the tower. He land on the windowsill and saw Ladybug inside through the window. Adrien tried to call out to her but he is a bird now, he can only sing bird songs. *Great! I can't talk to her! How am I supposed to communicate to her if I can't talk to her!?* Adrien pecked the window to get her attention, "what's that?" Ladybug walked over to the window and opened it, "hello there, what are you doing here?" Adrien flew inside her room and landed on the table as she smiles and laughs. "At least I have some company in this lonely tower before I'm force to marry Chat Noir." *What!? What do you mean!? Chat Noir!? I'm Chat Noir! That guy is a fake!* Ladybug held out her hand as Adrien hopped into it, "he was acting a little weird, I don't know what's wrong with him." Ladybug was walking away from as Adrien tried to think of a way to get her attention till a idea had a idea pop in his head.

Adrien started to singing the tune of a song which left Ladybug in shock. "That's the song, "Stay" by Alessia Cara & Zedd! How do you know that song?" Adrien kept singing the song as Ladybug smiled and sang along to him.

All you have to do stay a minuet, just take your time.
The clock is ticking, so, stay..

*Ok, I got her attention, now, I need to warn her about Storyteller.* Adrien started to singing a different song as Ladybug listen to him. Ladybug gave a confused look to the small bird,"Red, end of silence, Pieces?" As she sang along as he sang the tune of the song to her

A thousand miles away from you
A broken mess, just scattered pieces of who I am
I tried so hard
Thought I could do this on my own
I've lost so much along the way

Then I see your face
I know I'm finally yours
I find everything I thought I lost before
You call my name
I come to you in pieces
So you can make me whole

*Why would this bird sing so many different songs?* "Are you trying to tell me something?" Adrien smiled and flew around her, *finally! She is starting to get it!* Adrien started to singing another song so she can know who he is. " Set it Off, Partners In Crime?" Ladybug sang the lyrics of the tune that Adrien was singing to her.

You'll never take us alive
We swore that death will do us part
They'll call our crimes a work of art
You'll never take us alive
We'll live like spoiled royalty, lovers and partners,
Partners in crime

"Stay, Pieces, and Partner in Crimes? What are you trying to tell me?" Adrien hang his head in defeat, *come on! I know you can figure it out!* Ladybug thought about it and was in totally shock when she connected the dots, "wait!? Partner in crime? Chat Noir!? Is it really you!?" Adrien smiled and flew around her in joy that she figured out it was him, "I'll take that as a yes.' Adrien landed in her hand as she looked at him confused, "If you're the really Chat Noir then who is the Chat Noir that I'm force to marry?" *knocking* Adrien quickly flew out the window when he heard someone knocking on the door. "Ladybug, I'm so glad to see your alright!" Ladybug looked at the Chat Noir that stood before her and wonder who he is. But she noticed something was wrong with his ring, it was silver, not black with a green paw print. Ladybug grabbed his hand and tried to rip his ring off his finger, "Ladybug!? What are you doing!?"

"You're not the real Chat Noir! Who are you!?" Chat put a evil smirk and transformed into Storyteller, "He played his part! He's no longer need in this story! Since, I have his miraculous!" Ladybug was in shock as she stared at the ring he was holding, *Chat Noir's miraculous! How did he got it!* Adrien flew through the window and straight towards Storyteller, "what can a little bird do?" In flash of light. Adrien change from a small nightingale to a peregrine falcon, the world's fastest flying bird.

Adrien used his talons and scratched Storyteller's arm and made him drop his miraculous, "ahhh! What!? How!?" Ladybug ran across the room and picked up Chat's miraculous and saw him flying around the room. "You no longer control this story! I do!" Suddenly everyone was transported into a empty world where it was sea of white and nothingness.

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