My Baby Brother

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Its 3:00 Pm me and tyler are laying on the couch watching spongebob today I've been waiting all day for a call about Benson he's been in the hospital two days now me and tyler go up every day and stay as long as we can..

Tylers pro

"Abby come on we have to leave now"

"I know but I just cant seem to get my hair right"

"Who are you trying to impress because you already are beautiful"

What I just said I meant and ive always been a guy who cant keep a girl something bad always ends up happening so this is strange

"Really tyler can you cool it with the flirting?"

"Sorry, are you ready now?"

"Yes, you seem more excited to see my brother than me"

"Thats because we've been in this house all day"



Abbys pro*

We walk into the room and Benson's not in there? I start to freak I run out the room and down the hall to a nurse and ask Where Benson is she informs me he had to have emergency surgery and I break down crying...

Tyler walks over to me and whispers Abby he needs this as he wraps his arm's around me. I begin to feel comforted and starts to calm down..

Tylers pro*

We walk in the hospital walk into bensons and all thats left in there are a couple chairs. Right as I notice that Abbys already half way down the hall freaking out. Yes I might not know this little boy but i get supper worried and all I can think to do is go comfort abby till we know why hes gone and how long.

(2hrs later)

Me and abby are in the waiting room and a doctor walks out he looks to be in his early 30s. Im hoping for good news about Benson's. He comes over and asks if we are his family and abby says "Yes is he okay? Where is he? Can I see him?"

"Yes he did fine in surgery, he's in a recovery room,Yes you can see him"

Abby jumps up faster than anything. The doctor brings us up to the 4th floor and we have to walk down 3 hallways before we get there. When we get there I deside to stay out so abby can be with Benson. I ask the doctor why he had surgery

"When Benson first got here he broke a couple ribs which made it hard to breath for him so we focused on that before anything. We happened to miss that he had some internal bleedding which we needed to fix as soon as possible"

"Okay, thx doc"

I walk in and i see a strong little boy laying in the bed after what he has gone threw and is still fighting I knew he was special.

Abbys pro*

The doctor finally lets us see Benson.

I walk in room and I see him laying there. I walk over sit by his bed and just talk to him. Saying I know your going to get threw this you've already been threw so much this is going to be over soon I kinda wish Tyler came in with me but I liked being in the room alone with Benson. So i start singing a song that was dedicated to him when he was 18 months old After we found out he had a rare cancer.

"Like a small boat
On the ocean
Sending big waves
Into motion
Like how a single word
Can make a heart open
I might only have one match
But I can make an explosion"

Tyler walks in and looks like He's about to cry so I let him walk over to me and I hug him I thank him for being here and for never leaving my side I thank him for everything. And he just says it going to be ok and i just started bawling and crying saying I know.

Then at that moment I hear really load beeping coming from Benson's machine I turn  my head and its his heart dropping and rising too fast about 5 nurses run in and start fixing everything.. Thats when I fall and hit the floor.


Hey guys so I know its taken awhile to make a new one but here it is hope you like it

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