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Today Peter got the detention for skipping the decathlon. Dad was back home so I was just sitting on the couch, thinking. I knew Peter used to have a crush on Liz but what if he still does. Maybe when she kissed his cheek he actually enjoyed it. I got a text from Peter saying he left detention and how he was going to interrogate some dude from the day of the party. I decided to go because it will be hilarious. I got suited up, and right as I was about to leave.
"Where are you going?" Dad asked.
"I was going to try my upgrades." I said trying to keep my cool. Dad had a look as if he was debating to believe me or not.
" safe" He said still unsure.

At the parking garage

When I got there I found Peter using interrogation mode. I was trying to hold in my laughter as best as I can.
" What's wrong with your voice, you don't sound like a girl anymore." The guy said
"I'm not a girl I'm a boy, I mean a man." Peter said with the interrogation mode. At this point I couldn't hold it in anymore. They both just looked at me but I didn't care.
"Whatever you are I don't care, now what do you want." At this point I wasn't listening anymore, I was in oblivion. All I heard was something about the faerie, then I snapped back into reality.
"Okay thanks, that will dissolve in 2 hours." Peter told him.
"No, no your gonna get me out." The man insisted.
"No you're a bad man you deserve it." Peter said then took off with me following him.
"Hey, I have ice cream!" The man yelled.

-🕸🕷Time Skip🕷🕸-

Peter was on the faerie, and I told him it wasn't a good idea but he ignored me, and went anyways. I was in my room watching T.V., then on the news I saw the faerie split in half and my dad fixing it. I decided to wait for Peter at his house.

-🕸🕷Time Skip🕸🕷-

After telling me and May about losing the "Stark internship" I felt really bad. I followed Peter to his room.
"I'm so sorry Peter, I can talk to my d-" I tried to finish my sentence and hug him.
"No, just drop it." Peter said I can tell he was really upset.
"I can't even help anyone anymore without the suit, I'm nobody." He said. I tried to comfort him.
"Peter that not true."
"Just stop, your too clingy!" I knew he was just mad but it really hurt.
"Just leave me alone." He said. Those words felt like a bullet wound to the heart. I can't believe he just dumped me. I ran out of the house, and ran all the way home. When I got home dad saw me crying.
"Hun what happened?" Dad asked.
"This is all your fault. I knew you listened but you shouldn't have taken the suit away and well, fired him for just trying to help. Now because of you I lost him. He was my boyfriend, my best friend, but he's not anymore. All because of you thinking its the right thing to do!" I yelled sobbing. I rapidly ran to my room and slammed the door.

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