*~Chapter 2~*

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*~Aphmau's POV~*

When I got everyone's attention I urged them to follow me. I see Y/n's body lying on the floor and I smirk. When everyone saw the sight they gasped. Ha.
I.will.end.you.Y/n...if it's the last thing I do.

{time skip~1 day later}

*~Y/n's POV~*

I wake up. My head was pounding...
"What the..?!" I groan holding my head in agony.
I look up and see flowers...everywhere. Great I'm in the hospital, just what I needed.
"Oh your awake! Hi I'm mrs. Kate, do you remember what happened?" The nurse asks.
I was scared...what Aphmau comes after me again? I'm useless and weak I can't do anything right!

"I-I just remember slipping and hitting my head is all..." i trail off not knowing what to say after that.
"Ok sweetie I'll get your antibiotics. Oh and in a hour you'll get discharged." I would rather stay in a hospital bed for the rest of my life than go home.

I got my antibiotics then fell asleep for the remaining hour. Nothingness for miles on end or so I thought...
I'm now running, running from what? I don't know myself. Still in a range of nothingness it slowly faded. I was waking up.
"Miss it's time for you to go." The nurse says in a monotone voice rather than nurse Kate.
Soon enough I leave and go to my personal hell that I call 'home'.
These antibiotics are not very strong. So my heads still pounding like hell!

I walk in to see my so called 'mother' waiting for me.
"Do you have any idea how much the medical bill was?! I regret ever giving birth to you! Your a worthless piece of CRAP!" Her words sting like the venom of a snake.
She kicked me multiple time till I started coughing up blood.

I just lay there...numb I can't feel the pain. I can't feel anything. I see the darkness.
Here I am again running. I look behind me but see nothing just darkness.
"Hello Y/n..." an unfamiliar voice whispers
"W-who's there?" I can't move in to scared to.
"Why I'm you. Don't you recognize me?" They answer.
"Wh-what are you talking about-"

Sorry for the cruddy chapter...
Hope you liked it.😥 welllll.....Bye!

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