*~chapter 5~*

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*~your POV~*

I saw a moving truck right next to my house? Um ok as long as they don't be annoying...I guess it's fine. Ugh whatever.

Great! She's past out again, well time for homework then.

*time skip brought to you by my laziness!*

*knock, knock*
(Who's their?! Ok nvm...😅😂)

Ugh who can that be?!
I slowly walk to the door and see two teens maybe siblings?
"Yes?" I ask plainly.
"I'm James this is my sister Neveah, Your new Neighbors." The- James answers.
"I'm Hello is that it? Cause I have things to do sorry."
"No that's all just wanted to say hello is all...bye!"
"au revoir!" Neveah says.

Well ok then...
"I better get back to my homework" I sigh.

*after homework cuz Idk what to write sorry!*

"Finally...ok lets see its 5:40 I guess I'll make dinner and go out at like 6:30 then." I sigh going down stairs.
'Ok so theres pasta, Salmon, Lemon, Rice, broccoli, and kale. I can make some salmon w/rice and veggies. And they will take about 40 mins to cook-'
"Bitch where are you?!" Why?
"I-I'm in the kitchen making dinner for you ma'ma.." shaking I make my way to the living room.
"Well hurry up! and you don't get to eat!! You fat worthless piece of shit!" Her words hit me like bullets.
"Y-Yes ma'ma..." a few tears spill from my eyes feeling like venom seeping into my skin.

*time skip to 6:30 again I'm a lazy bum Oof XD*

*third person Pov*

Y/n slips out the window feeling the icy air hitting her face.
"Hello stranger. Why you sneaking out at 6:00?" The black haired boy smirked.
Startled y/n turns in process smacking the boy in the face.
"Ow! What was that for?!" James withdraws from y/n.
"Well I'm sorry. But you startled me! Why else would I slap you?"  Y/n remarks.
"Ok ok fine I deserved that. Anyway what are you doing sneaking out at like 6 o'clock? It's still so early."

*your pov*

Ahh shit.....

(Oof sorry for not posting and idk what to write😅)

Girl in the back of the class {PDH x  reader}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن