the letter i forgot to give her p.s u know who you are

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if we never see each other again 

I want you to know that I'm in love with you

I never told you but I'm pretty sure that you knew I liked

you I've been in love with you since the first time I saw you

I thought you were the most beautiful girl in the world and I still think

that , you have the cutest laugh I ever heard, oh and don't get me started

on your eyes I could look in them all day  like the time we were making

videos and we hugged but when we pulled apart we stare at each other

for what felt like forever well to me at least or when you held my hand

because it was cold out ,I liked how you always started dancing when

ever we were walking it made me laugh ever time ,and the time we rolled

down the hill that was so much fun  and that's just some of the things I

fell in love with .


                                              love ,


p.s hope we get to see each other again soon

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