chapter 6: date nite/ liv's past

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its the next nite at Sasha's house she's getting ready for her date with Becky she's wearing a black dress and hair down and is putting her ear rings in and Liv stands in the doorway and Sasha looks at her

and says hey kid

Liv says wow you look hot!?

Sasha smiles 

and says thx kid

she walks up to her 

and says you ok with me going out tonite?

Liv says yea, of course, and you are ok with me having a party tonite while you are gone?

Sasha says yea, as long its not too big and be out between 11 and 11:30 pm.

Liv says got it

then the door bell rings 

Sasha says either that's Becky or your friends?

Liv says lets check

so they go down stairs and Sasha answers it and its Becky

Sasha says hey

Becky says hey and hey Liv

Liv says hi

Becky says you ready?

Sasha says yea

Becky says good

Sasha looks at Liv

and says you be good and remember what i told you about the party

Liv smiles 

and says yes ma'ma

Sasha says good, see ya

Liv says bye

they laugh and Sasha leaves and Liv closes the door as Becky and Sasha walks towards the car

Becky says you let her have a party?

Sasha says we had a deal a couple of weeks ago if she good grades this quart then she can have a party 

Becky says ah i see

Becky opens the car door for Sasha and she smiles 

and says thx

Becky says welcome

Sasha gets in and Becky shuts the door and walks around the car and gets in the driver side and leaves as they are driving they are talking

Becky says ok i'll give you a hint of where i am taking you to?

Sasha says ok 

Becky says its some where you always wanted to go to?

Sasha says that can be any where?

Becky laughs so they pull into olive garden

Sasha says oh my god!?

Becky smiles

and says you be surprise of how much money i found at the bottom of my pressure

Sasha says true

so they get out and goes inside and sits down in a booth beside each other

Sasha says i have a question and answer it as honestly as possible?

Becky says ok

Sasha says when did you notice that i like you in that way?

Becky says um, you just left your room and i saw a stack of photos and i went thru them and i got to 1 where it was you and me but with a red heart around it

sasha and Becky Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt