chapter 8: aftermath

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It's the next morning everybody wakes up and walks in the kitchen

Becky says morning guys

Sasha says morning babe

Nattie says that was a eventually night last night

Becky says no kidding

Nattie says where's Ronda at?

Becky says out in the garage with Dolph and Zack looking at the damage

Nattie says ok

Out in the garage they are looking at the damage as Ronda points to Sasha's car

She says Sasha is gonna piss after she sees her car

Dolph says oh yeah

Zack says my neighbors tree fell onto the power lines

Dolph says somehow our trash can landed in our neighbors pool

Ronda says I better what kind of damage we have

Dolph says sounds good

So they go back into kitchen

Ronda says well Sasha has a sun roof now on her car

They laugh

Sasha says back window

Ronda says yeah

Sasha says after window of the garage blow out so did my car window

Zack says wow

Dolph says damn!

Sasha says yeah I know

Nattie says how's your elbow?

Sasha looks at her elbow

And says oh I didn't look at it yet

Dolph says so what happened?

Sasha says when the window blow out I thru Liv on the ground and I landed on glass but she didn't at least I think she didn't

Zack says its probably now that bad

As Sasha takes the Band-Aid off

She says lets see

She takes it off and they look at it

Sasha says not bad

Becky says could have been worster

Sasha says yeah

Ronda says well I'm gonna check on our house you come nat?

Nattie says yeah lets go

Ronda says we will you guys know what happened

Becky says ok

So they leave so they drive to their house and pulls up to the side of the road and gets out and sees what happened and its not too bad but Nattie takes pictures of the neighbor hood and sends them to Becky

Becky says hey babe look at the damage to their neighbor hood

She shows Sasha

Sasha says oh wow

She shows Zack and Dolph

Dolph says damn!

Zack says that's crazy

Here's the damage something like these

Here's the damage something like these

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