chapter 7: thunderstorms! 😱

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It's the next nite at Sasha's house her and Becky are sitting on the couch across from the tv Sasha is sitting in between Becky's legs and Nattie and her wife Ronda are sitting on the couch beside the tv they are talking about the high school days

Nattie says do you guys know where Charlotte is at now?

Sasha smiles

And says dead!

Becky scratches Sasha's biceps

Sasha says i knew that was coming

They laugh

Nattie says why did you guys hate each other so much for?

Sasha says our personalities she's the outgoing one and I'm more quite and keep to myself...

Becky says until somebody pisses you off

Sasha says that too

Nattie says we haven't seen liv in awhile, where she at?

Sasha says oh she's out with Ruby again

Nattie says oh

Then liv texts Sasha

L- turn it to channel 8?

S- ok

Sasha says liv just texted me saying turn it to channel eight

Becky hands her the remote And Sasha takes it and changes it there and there's a weather man standing there talking serve thunderstorms Mike is his name

Mike says so we have a serve thunderstorm watch for Mason, Greenville, and Madison

They live in Mason

Mike says if you live in any of these areas make sure you stay away from Windows Becuz the winds are moving 60 mph.

Sasha texts liv

S- u guys better come home now?

L- we r, we r 5 minutes away

S- ok, tell Ruby that she can stay here until it's over cuz I don't want her to be driving in it

L- ok well do

Liv tells Ruby that Ruby smiles

And says tell her thx

Liv says ok

She texts Sasha that

S- tell her she's welcome

L- alright

Liv tells her

So 5 minutes later they get there when they walk thru the front door, the door goes fyling outta of Ruby's hands

Becky says good lord

Ruby puts all of her body weight on the door to shut it

Liv says mom did you get the patio stuff in the garage?

As Sasha gets up

She says shit!, no

As she walks into the kitchen

Liv says I'll help you?

Sasha says ok

So they go out to the backyard And gets the chairs and puts them in the garage then gets the table takes out the umbrella first and puts the table in the garage then liv goes and gets the umbrella as she walks up to Sasha in the garage

She says last thing

Sasha says good!

Then the garage window bustes out liv screams And Sasha tackles her to the ground covering her everybody heard liv scream as they walk up to them

Nattie says you guys ok we heard liv's scream

Sasha looks at them

And says yea, I am, liv?

She sits on her knees

And says yea, it just scared me is all

Becky says Sasha you're bleeding!?

Sasha looks at her right elbow

And says great!?, I got glass in my elbow

Liv says from protecting me?

Sasha looks at her

And says i would have protected you thru a tornado too

Liv smiles

And says same here!

They hug Ruby helps liv up and Becky helps Sasha up too and cleans her up too then the power goes out Sasha throws her hands up

And says wonderful!

They laugh everybody spends the nite at Sasha's house cuz she didn't want anybody to drive in the storms and there's a reason why too but won't be until the next chapter tho so bear with me!

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