Chapter 3

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It was finally happening , I was ditching school for a guy, we finally arrived at the hiding lake.
"So... this is it"
"Cool,well lets get in the lake" ben smiled at me but it wasn't a full smile just a grin, he was so hot.
He started taking off his jacket then he tock off his shirt.....omg he was so hot he had a six pack and then he looked over at me, which I was still starring at his six packs.
"So are you coming in still?"
"Omg ya, yes."
Then he stated taking the rest of his stuff off, like his jeans, boxers, until he was completely naked then he went in the lake I was feeling nervous because I never did anything like this and now it was my tune to get undressed, so I closed my eyes and open them and tock a deep breath. I started taking off my black shirt and then tock off my blue skinny jeans then my socks and my boxer and headed in the lake were he was handsomely standing there starring at my eyes, once I got close enough to him he wrapped his arms around my wast then pulled me close to him until our lips were conited, the water was no longer cold, he became my warmth and I trusted him, I trusted he knew what we were doing. He pulled away from kissing and said...
"Um, how manny boyfriends have you dated?"
"I never dated anyone, I was saving to date  someone hot. Do you wanna come over for dinner, so then you can meet my parents ?"
"Ya I would love that, now come over here and kiss me"
He smiled I love when he smiles it makes me happy to be around him, so I pulled him close to me and put my fingers on his six pack and traced them then kissed him. I put my hand just below his wast and kept kissing him.
After awhile we were dressed again and laying on the grass by the lake.
"Here have my jacket"
He offered to me, but before I could say anything he put it around me and kissed me and lays back down.
"This is nice"
"Ya really nice" I said well sitting up and grabbing my phone to check the time.
"Um I think we should go now its two o clock. We should go to my place."
"Ya , umm lets go" he sat up and kissed me and got up and grabbed his bag and grab my hands and pulled me up and I grab my bag and we started walking. Then he reached out and grabbed my hand, he was holding my hands.
Once we where at the doorstep of my house I look at him and kissed him.
"You ready queen" ben said.
"Ya king"I smiled.
Then we opened the door and walked in and went to the conner of the entrants of the kitchen and stopped because we heard my parents fighting. I felt sad , what if they get a divorced? Ben grabbed my wast from behind and put his lips close to my ears and said....
"Are you okay?"
"Ya lets go in"
"Ya "
So we both walk in the kitchen and mom and dad stops fighting and look at me and ben and mom said.....
"Who's this?"
"This is ben my boyfriend"
"Oh, nice to meet you ben"
"Mom is it okay if he stays for dinner"
"Ya sure"
"Um we are gonna to go out but we will be back later"
"Okay bye ben and Kevin and it was nice to meet you ben"
As we walked out ben asked...
"Where are we going?"
"Well my best friend isabella would love to meet you and maybe we can all go get our nails done together so you can meet isabella"
"Ya" so me and ben walked to Isabella's house once we arrive we knocked on the door and her mom let me in and we went to Isabella's room and knocked.
"Come in."so me and ben walked in and sat on her bed.
"Hi, Isabella this is my boyfriend ben"
"Omg you and ben are dating, finally!! Have you have you're first kiss beside the one I intruded?"
"Ya me and kevin have kissed so he had his first kiss"
"Aww you guy are so hot together"
" so wanna go get you're nails done with me and ben"
"Ya I would of crouse teg alone and my nails need help" she smiled.
"Well what are we waiting for lets go!!"said isabella.
So we all walked downstairs and though her door and all the way to the nail store.
Then we all walked in the store and sat down in a row I was in the middle of them, then all the nails workers sat down infront of us and asked us what we wanted.
Isabella asked for pink nails with hearts ,Ben asked for black nails with letters on each nails that spelt fuck you, and I wanted pink nails with letters spelt ben+Kevin.onces our nails were done we showed each other.
"Aww babe that so cute"he smiled looking up at me from looking at my nails.
" ya it totally so cute"
"Thanks, and beny yours are cute too, you now  can tell teachers to f off without saying it"I smiled back at him and then looked at Isabella nails.
"And yours are cute too"
"Thanks Kevin"
"Thanks babe"
They both said thank you to me.
"Wanna go to starbucks with me I'm dying for some starbucks" Isabella asked.
"Ya lets go"
So we all walk over to starbucks and once we where there we found are seats and sat down I sat next to ben well holding hands and Isabella sat across from us, and people,straight people were giving us looks.
One of them came over.
"Excuse me that is gross, that is wrong I think you need to leave"
It was an older person like looks to be around 50 and it was a girl.
"Umm okay sorry" I said quietly getting up and grabbing my pure and ben and isabella were still sitting there.
"Just let stay"
Isabella said
"Okay" I said and sat back down, when ben grab my hands again its like he's trying to piss off the woman ,but the women was talking to this man looks to be around 30 years old and looks like a biker now I new if we didn't leave we were going to die but instead of saying anything I just stay scared. Then the men and the woman came over but the biker dude talked this time.
"Didn't this woman ask you to leave, go now or I well crush you into pieces "
"Okay sorry we were about to leave" I stared to getting up but then my boyfriend and Isabella weren't getting up.
"Leave now!!"
"Um.... let me think how about no"of crouse my boyfriend had to mouth off, now I know we are going to die.
"What did you say!!"
"I said no, fuck, fucking older people there hearing is so fucked up"
"Ill fuck up you up if you don't leave"
"I'm sorry but I'm not leaving, oh and you cant fuck me up that would be rape"
Ben laughed at him.
"Excuse me you need to get the fuck out of here now!!"
"No, not under my dead body"
"Well ya you are going to have a dead body"
"I am not leaving I am staying here"
"Lets take this outside like men"
"Oh no ben don't, don't do this"
"Its okay just you two stay here"
Then the biker dude and ben walked out, I was so worried.
"Let go spy on them"
Isabella said
"Okay" then we walk outside and hide in a bush and listens.
"Dad, what do you want"
"I want you to stop dating boys and keep track of your gang, our gang son"
"No dad that's not what I want, I'm gay and that's how I am and you cant change me, dad just stop."
"You need to not be gay"
"I love him....."a tear fell out of his faces, I cant believe he just said that, I love him too.
"Look at me son you have a gang to love not this dum boy that you don't really love okay you're just confused"
"Well if I'm confused then I rather stay confused"
"Come home with me tonight"
"No dad"as he stated walking away his dad grabbed him and ben pulled away.
"Stop,Stop just STOP IT DAD leave me alone!!"
He walked away back in the starbucks were me and Isabella where suppose to be so me and her ran in and sat down.
"Where were you two"
"In the bathroom" said isabella
"No beny boo not together"
"Oh OK"
"I love you ben"
"I love your too Kevin"
So he lean in and kissed me I can feel the tear on his checks from when he was crying.
Then I look over at Isabella and she gave me a nod, then I look back at ben.

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