Chapter 5

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I woke up, I was laying in a bed at the hospital, my mom was right beside me and Isabella was right beside me.
"Hi hunny"
"Hi mom"
"I'm sorry for asking so much questions I should have just believed you"
"Mom stop you did the right thing because...."I was about to finish but ben walked in and Isabella got up and brought him to the hall way and when he came back he said..
"Hi, are you okay"
"Okay, okay about what about that thing or okay about how I'm feeling from when I hurt myself?"
"Umm I'm sorry okay its just,I don't like people who lie to me okay I would of never ended it but we just don't belong like that, maybe we can just be friends"
"No I don't want to be friends with you, you know what I don't even wanna see your face no more not in my school, no where"
"Stop it, STOP it"
"Don't you dare, don't raise your voice with me ,time for you to be a man like me"
(Ben chuckled)
"Whats so funny?"
"Do you remaber when we were dating and I called you queen and you called me king?"
"Ya, so"
"When you said its time for you to be a man like me it reminded me that you were a queen"
"Okay" I wiped tears from my checks and looked around the room and my mom and isabella were starring at me.
"I understand everything you don't have to explain" mom smiles
"I think I know why you hurt yourself but hunny I'm sorry to say this but I don't believe what you told me last night, I'm 99% sure you got jumped in the woods"
"Wait what, Kevin was in the woods last night, fuck"
"Oh nothing, can I talk to Kevin alone please"
" sure"then Isabella and mom walk out and want in the gusset room.
"Kevin tell me what happen to your faces?"
"I'm not telling you"
"Please tell me"
"No, why should I tell you, you don't even care so stop okay stop it"
"I...I do have feelings for you"
"Yes I fucking do I fucking love you"
"Liar, just stop"
"I do"
"Stop wasting your time because I don't love you" as I said that a peek of cry came but then I bit down my lips to hold back the tears, and quietly said...
"Just stop, I don't want to hear it ben"
"I love you I broke up with you because I was mad and sacred, I was mad at you for lien to me and scared well that's another story"
"I don't care just go I don't give a ..."
Then ben kiss me in the middle of my sentence so I dint get to finish and while we were kissing mom and isabella walked in.
"Omg what just happen?"Isabella said confused.
"I'm not....nothing happened" I said feeling my gay ass checks blushing, and I was hoping no one pointed it out but Isabella notice and said...
"Omg. Are you blushing omg no way you are blushing!"Isabella said excitedly.
"Aww your blushing queen"
"No I'm not, I'm not blushing, mom wheres dad?"
"Um sweet heart.." she tock a breath.
"Your dad and me are getting a drovers"
"What, no, no this cant be happening, your joking right" tears fell down from my checks I can now feel bens hands on my shoulders, I was going to tell him to go f off but I was too upset right now.
"I'm not joking ,sorry"
"Why? Why are you guys fighting"
"Because your dad wanted to send you away because he doesn't want gay kid he just acted nice about it because he thought you were just confused but when you and ben were right in front of him and you told him ben was your boyfriend he flip he wanted nothing to do with you but I disagree I was happy for you and I don't ever wanna send a great kid off to borden school" once mom finished I cryed I felt hopeless I felt like this was all my fault.
"I'm really tired can I get some sleep"
"Okay"mom said
"Is it okay if I stay with you for the night?"
"Ben....ya sure"
Then mom and Isabella left and ben pulled up a chair and I layed on my side facing him.
"I'm willing to give you another chance because I understand why you broke up with me"
"Okay, thanks queen"
"Your welcome king"
"Ya kevin"
"Can you sleep with me"
"I am"
"No, sleep in bed with me"
"Sure love"
"Okay" I was feeling happy and safe now, he went in bed and pulled the blanket over both of us and kiss me in the neck and wrapped his arms around me.
"Are you proud your gay with me?"
"Ya , why won't I be proud of being gay, I love gay"
"Oh, well I don't know its just what my dad said made me think am I a mistake"
"Kevin, don't say that your are not a mistake, or at least if you are then you are a hot mistake"
"I love you ben"
"I love you too kevin" I was feeling love again, I was proud of being gay, I have a hot boyfriend ,and I can like girl stuff and boy stuff even tho I think it should be called both, I mean why name clothes by gender.
I new I loved ben so much.
In the morning, ben was kissing my neck and when I turned around to face him he said
"Good Morning hot gay queen" then he spank my ass.
"Good morning" I smiled
"So..."as he was going to finishes, his gang walk in, his dad was in front.
"Well well look who we got here ben and kevin sleeping together aww so cute now have you boys ever heard of skinny dipping?"
"Ya"I said angry
"Well I wonder what your mom well do if you guys ever did it, hey mom get in her"then my mom and isabella walked in and sat down beside my bed where me and ben were now sitting up.
"Watch this video I'm sure you'll like it" and then he play a video of me and ben going skinny dipping how did he get a video, that creep must have followed us.
"Omg, kevin what have you done"
"Nothing mom"omg I'm ready to hit him but I wont stop.
"Oh that's not it look at the date and time"
"Omg Kevin you skipped school"
"No,yes well it was a one time thing"
"Well it better be and it well be, fot now on if you guys want to see each other you well come to my house in you're room with your door wide open so I can hear and see you to make sure you don't do that again"
"What, mom you cant do that"
"Oh yes I can"
"Mom I'm 16 I'm old enough"
"No you not"
"Fine just go away now, everyone go but Isabella and ben can stay"
"Okay"so then mom and the gang left the room.
"I love you ben"
"I love you two, that sucks a lot that we don't get no space because I'm going to miss your body"
"Thanks boo I'm going to miss your six pack"
"Wait what he has a six pack"
"Omg yea its so hot too"
"Omg I cant believe your boyfriend has a six pack"
"Okay can we not talk about my six pack"
Then my mom and bens dad and one member from the gang came in.
"Kevin good news you don't have to stay home to see ben you can go where ever because bens further was nice enough to hire you a free body guard " then my mom smiled to bens dad.
"No fuck a body guard, you now what biker dude why don't you take your gang and fuck it"
"Kevin!say your sorry now"
"He's sorry, he dint mean that and thank you so much for everything"
"No problem"
"Okay then I want to go to the river with ben"
"Okay but your body guard is coming so you don't do anything bad"
"Fine"I said as I turned to faces ben and wink at him. Then the body guard takes us to the same lake we skinny dipped in and the body guard brought robes and he layed one out and sat down . I tock off my shirt and put it down by our robe and then I walked close to ben and tock off his shirt.
"Kevin what are you doing"
"Where going skinny dipping with pants on" I smiled, then we walked in the cold water and I traced his Abbas and kissed him then I did something I never thought I would do I licked his Abbas from bottom all the way up his neck to his lips then he pulled away and stared at me with a plan face I don't get it he was the bad one what did I do wrong .
"What are you doing"
"What do you mean I'm trying to find a way we can still skinny dip"
Then he smiled and walked out of the lake. And put on his shirt and sat down on his robe .When he was out of  the lake , the lake was like ice cold, I wanted him by me for him to give me warmth and keep me safe so I walked out of the lake and put on my shirt and sat next to him and pulled him close but he dint let me kiss him.
"Whats wrong why wont you kiss me?"
"I'm just not in the mood to kiss , you should go home so you can be alone without no one following you around goodnight babe, I'm going home. Then he left.

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