Chapter 4

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"Ben I need to tell you something"
As I was about to tell ben the workers at starbucks came over and asked what we wanted.
"We will take three double chocolate chip" Isabella smiled.
Then the worker left to get it and came back and gave us three our drinks we order then left.
"Anyway what did you want to tell me?"
" me and isabella were not in the washroom"
"Then where were you?"
"We were outside, in a bush and we kinda heard everything" as I finished my sentence his faces looked a little mad and sad and he got up and tock a deep breath and said.....
"You know what, I think there is no us no more because were done, if I cant trust you then we shouldn't date , you lied to me."
"Don't....don't even try were done, bye isabella it was nice to meet you, bye Kevin" and he left, he broke up with me.
I started crying I couldn't help it I had so much going on in my head, like my boyfriend I love broke up with me, my parents are fighting and could be getting a devours.
"Its okay you are way better with out him"
"I'm gonna go for a jog"
"Okay, text me later okay"
"Bye"and I left I stated to lightly jog I dint care were I was even going I just wanted to go far away from where I was, I missed him I really loved him he meant everything to me, the way he always made me smile and the way he touches me and the way he make me feel and he actually loved me and he broke up with me. Then I got a text from Isabella so I stopped and sat down on a grass and realized I have gone in the forest, and I pulled out my phone and texted isabella.
😇  Isabella:
😇:hi Kevin how are you holding up?
💖:I'm doing  good.
😇: where are you?
💖:I'm in the Forest somewhere, why?
😇:because your parents text me asking to tell you to come home.
💖:oh okay ill go home but first I have to find my way out of here.
😇:okay but be quick.
💖:okay bye ttyl.

Now it was time for me to find my way out of this forest, so I just kept walking around, but then I heard people talking so I hide in a bush and peeked to see who they were, it was that biker dude and my ex, ben.
"Welcome back to the gang son"
"Thanks dad"
"Wheres that stupid boyfriend of yours"
"I left him,he's out of the picture for good"
"Good, son, you made me proud wait till the gang hares about this there going to love you"
Omg how could he say that about me, he's a mess about something I can tell that there is something wrong. Then ben left, I don't know where he went off to but I don't care. Then someone behind me picked me up and tied my feet and arms together and asked me questions.
"What happened between you and ben?"
"NO!!" Then he slapped me in the faces, and they kicked me and punched me over and over.
Then they tock off and left me on the ground with my feet and hands tie. I mange to get my phone out to text.
💖:hi I need help
😇:with what?
💖: I'm in the woods I need you to come and get me but bring a knife, I'm tied up, I got jumped punched and kicked over and over by bens gang and dad, and ben was there I was listen to them ben and his dad and they where talking trash about me.
😇:omg I'm so sorry on my way stay calm.
So I stayed clam and waited for awhile and checked my phone.
Isabella was on a hour ago....
Then I called her and put it on speaker since I cant move my hands just my fingers.
"Isabella are you almost here its been an hour"
"Ya chill I'm here I see you bye"
Then she ended the phone and I looked to my right there she was running to me. Before she even said anything she cut me lose then throw away the knife.
"Omg are you okay look it your so beat up"
"I...I cant believe this is happening" I started crying, as she helped me up and walked me to her car I went in her car and sat down she drove me to my house and we said goodbye.
Then I walked in, and my parents called me to the living room where there was two cops then I walked in and checked my phone and it had been  five hours since she asked me to come home.
"Hi mom hi dad, why are there cops?"
"Because you were missing we couldn't fine you anywhere where were you and what the hell happened to your faces"
"I told Isabella to go home and I walk in the forest and tripped down a little hill where there was lots of sticks and that's what happen"
"Then what tock you so long?"
"When I fell down I been knocked out"
"Oh okay well where is your boyfriend, wasn't he suppose to be with you, wasn't he suppose to come home and have dinner with us tonight"
"I told him to go home too"
"Why you were very existed for this why would you just tell him to go home ?and why were you in the forest in the first places, alone?"
"Because..." I tock a deep breath realizing that the cops have been recording this which made me snap I hate being recorded in my own home.
"Wtf, I'm not telling you no more fucking reasons okay just fucking leave me alone and you cops stop recording me now before I fucking brake your camera  " and they never stopped recorded.
"STOP Recorded ME RIGHT NOW HOES" I yelled at them.
"I think we are done here I think he was just trying to stay out late like normal teenagers do" the cops smiled and left and I went up to my room and slammed the door and looked at myself in the mirror, and I started thinking what if he never liked me in the first places what if he just wanted to hurt me, what if I'm not good enough for him. Then I went to the washroom and grabbed my dads pills and ate them. Then I fell I was slowing faded away I felt like I was dying then it was all black.

You stole my heart!! Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon