The Beginning of the Story

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My name is Lorcan, I remember my abused I've suffered when i  was a child. My dad never loved me, I knew. Always telling me off for anything i did. And that would continue until one day, I met a girl who had been nice to me, named Amber Fuji. She was very kind to me. She died after got hit by my dad's car before he disappeared when i was eight when a cult called The Omega Darcy attacked us. One day, they are going to pay for her death. I will have my revenge.

In the dream world, Lorcan hallucinates a teal-haired girl, who is smiling at him. He sees her goes close to her. He said his first words of the story.

"I'll avenge you." said Lorcan, who's willing to avenge her death before waking up. 

It reveals that he was in his bed, asleep from that weird dream. He lives in Pallet Town as a foster home.

"Lorcan, you're awake! Professor Oak is looking for you." said Lorcan's foster mother.

"I'm coming." said Lorcan who's walking downstairs after got out of bed.

Lorcan's foster mother is non-other than Delia Katchum. He walks out of his home and goes to Professor Oak's lab.

"Hey Professor Oak, I'm here like you said." said Lorcan.

"Oh, if it isn't Lorcan." said Professor Oak. "I have notice about two archeologists who know your father, I want you to go over to Roria to meet the new professor.

"New Professor?" Lorcan asked.

"Yes, his name is Professor Cypress. The lab is over in Mitis Town." said Professor Oak. "But unfortunately he also wants to give you something too."

"Let me guess, is it a Pokémon?" Lorcan asked.

"Correct. I've sent him the three starters for you to pick so you won't be able to pick." said Professor Oak.

"Fine. I'll go." said Lorcan. "Maybe i can get to see my old friend, Jake again."

 Lorcan goes to Varidian Airport to go to Roria for a job to do. When he arrived, he sees the place more beautiful.

He arrived to Mitis Town. Lorcan was pissed about it.

"Hey, Lorcan, it's me, Jake!" said the boy.

Lorcan sees  a black haired boy with a grey shirt and dark blue jeans. He is happens to be Lorcan's best friend. He walked outside.

"Hey, Jake. What's up?" Lorcan asked.

"Dude, Today's the day!" said Jake which Lorcan's confused.

"I know today's the day." Lorcan asked again.

"I can't believe we're getting our first Pokémon!" Jake yelled in excitment.

"No! You too?! I can't believe it!" said Lorcan. "I didn't know you're getting one today!"

"Lorcan, it's okay. So what are you going to do with your Pokémon?" Jake asked Lorcan.

"Oh, Two years ago my first friend, Amber died from being hit by my dad's car. Oh it's time for me to find those cult." said Lorcan.

"Yeah! You get your revenge." said Jake who agrees Lorcan. "Come on, Let's go see the professor."

Both Lorcan and Jake goes to the lab to see the Professor.

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