Silvent Gym Battle

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Right after I was given an Eevee, I now head to Silvent City Gym to face my first gym leader. My friends are busy catching more Pokémon and I have to battle. I walked in and see the DJ feeling the beat.

"Hello. I'm Chad, the creator and leader of this fine establishment. I see you have no badges yet. That makes this your first battle for a Gym Badge. Don't expect me to go easy on you. My club has a reputation that I like to keep by making my badges difficult to earn. Now, get ready for the drop!" said the First Gym Leader.

I had to do it and win my first gym battle. I have to keep calm and win this battle.

"Come out, Shinx!" said Chad who's sent out Shinx.

It's a quadruped, feline Pokémon resembling a lion cub or lynx kitten. Its front half is light blue, while the rear is black. There is a short tuft of fur on its head and smaller tufts on each cheek. The top tuft is smaller on the female Shinx. It has large, oval ears with yellow, star-shaped markings on the insides, yellow eyes, and a tiny, red nose. Whenever its mouth is open, small fangs can be seen in its upper jaw. A black marking encircles its neck like a collar and there are yellow bands above its forepaws. The hind paws are black on the male Shinx and blue on the female. Spiked fur surrounds the base of its long tail, which is tipped with a yellow star shape.

"Here I go, Bulbasaur, use Solar Beam!" yelled Lorcan.

Lorcan's Bulbasaur's bulb glows a bright yellow.

"Impressive." said Chad. "Is Bulbasaur your starter?"

"Yeah, it's my first time training." said Lorcan.

"Well, It's good bud. Now use Charge Beam!" yelled Chad.

Shinx attacks Bulbasaur with an electric charge. Bulbasaur's bulb fires a yellow beam from its bulb at Shinx following of Solar Beam. Shinx fainted.

"Wow! A Solar Beam!" Chad yelled while return Shinx to its Pokéball. "Well come on out, Pikachu!"

Pikachu is a short, chubby rodent Pokémon. It is covered in yellow fur with two horizontal brown stripes on its back. It has a small mouth, long, pointed ears with black tips, brown eyes, and two red circles on its cheeks. There are pouches inside its cheeks where it stores electricity. It has short forearms with five fingers on each paw, and its feet each have three toes. At the base of its lightning bolt-shaped tail is patch of brown fur at the base.

What? He got a Pikachu? Looks likes I have to battle it to earn my first Gym Badge.

"Bulbasaur, use Vine Whip!" Lorcan yelled.

Bulbasaur's Vine Whip strucks Pikachu with slender, whiplike vines. Lorcan's almost to see his victory.

"Pikachu, Use Thunder Wave!" yelled Chad.

Pikachu launches a weak jolt of electricity that paralyzes Bulbasaur.

Almost there, I'm so close to win my first badge.

"Bulbasaur, use Double-Edge!" yelled Lorcan.

 Bulbasaur's Double-Edge inflicts damage to Pikachu. Pikachu fainted so that makes Lorcan wins the gym battle.

"Well congratulations on your victory, trainer! It is my pleasure to now present to you your first Gym Badge."  said Chad who's presenting him the Arc Badge. Lorcan takes the badge. "Only seven more to go and you're off to the Roria league."

"Yeah, I hope. Thanks Chad." said Lorcan before walking out of the gym. 

After walking out of the gym, He sees Jake.

"Oh hey Lorcan." said Jake who's greeting him.

"Hey man, I won my first badge." said Lorcan who's showing him the badge.

"Wow, you have the Arc Badge now. I'm on my way to challenge the gym right now. I really hope my Pokémon are as strong as yours. Maybe we can have another battle soon." said Jake. "Anyways, time to get me that badge! See ya later, Lorcan."  

Jake walked into the gym while Lorcan continues onto his next gym for his next adventure. All he has to do is to go to Decca Beach and leave for Alola.

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