Starter Pokémon

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I don't know if you've ever noticed this, but first impressions are often entirely wrong. Jake's very excited for our first Pokémon. I mean, I don't even want to be a trainer in the first place. My Dad was once a trainer before being a scientist. I don't even know where my big brother, Toby is. Jake has been with me since i was eight when i've arrived here in Roria and he's obsessed and excited with Pokémon but he's a nice guy.

Lorcan arrived with Jake in the lab where a new Pokémon professor is studying.

"HELLO?!" Jake yelled.

"Well, let me guess, Starter Pokémon?" the new professor asked.

Jake nodded yes smiling while Lorcan nodded yes a bit but he doesn't care.

"Well, welcome you two. Allow me to introduce myself." said the new professor. "I'm Professor Cypress. I am the new professor in Mitis Town. I'll bet you're Lorcan and Jake. Your parents were just telling me about you. You must be very excited to be getting your first Pokémon today. There are a few things you must know about Pokémon first. Pokémon are our friends, and we grow alongside them. They grow, and in some cases, evolve and change form, as we battle with them. Your Pokémon will grow to love you as you adventure with them."

"Oh that's cool, I never knew that before!" said Jake. "What do you think, Lorcan?"

"Don't care." said Lorcan who still doesn't care about everything.

"Lorcan doesn't want to be a trainer." said Jake.

Lorcan punched Jake in the arm.

"Well in that case, you will love them and there are still many things that we do not know about Pokémon. Lorcan, I want you now to pick a Pokémon that you would like to accompany you on your adventures. Make a choice from these 21 different breeds. Go ahead now." said Professor Cypress.

Lorcan sees many Pokémon. He sees a small, quadruped Pokémon that has blue-green skin with darker green patches. It has red eyes with white pupils and scleras. It also has pointed, ear-like structures on top of its head. Its snout is short and blunt, and it has a wide mouth. A pair of small, pointed teeth are visible in the upper jaw when its mouth is open. Each of its thick legs ends with three sharp claws. On its back is a green plant bulb, which is grown from a seed planted there at birth. The bulb provides it with energy through photosynthesis as well as from the nutrient-rich seeds contained within. Lorcan decides to take it.

"Ah, you decide to take Bulbsaur." said Professor Cypress.

"Yeah, I think I should stick with him." said Lorcan.

"Lorcan, Bulbasaur is awesome choice." said Jake.

"Yeah, I thought he can be right as my starter. That reminds me, I gotta get going." said Lorcan.

"Hey, aren't your foster parents at home?" Jake asked. 

"Yeah but they left last night for a "business" trip, they left me with this." said Lorcan who shows them the Bronze Brick.

"Wow, that was really cool of your parents." said Jake who's jealous.

"Yeah, it's cool, My dad made it into a necklace." said Lorcan.

"Here, let me give you one other gift that will help you along your way." said Professor Cypress before giving the Pokédex to them. "It's a Pokédex. It's like an electronic encyclopedia that records the kinds of Pokémon you encounter and capture. It will also help me in my research with Pokémon." 

"Oh, by the way, I have something for you. They're for catching wild Pokémon!" said Jake before giving the Poké Balls to him.

"Thanks man." said Lorcan.

"It works best if you weaken the Pokémon before throwing a Poké Ball at it. Well, I need to gather a few things before I set off on my adventure. You should go start training your Pokémon on Route 1! Past Route 1 is Cheshma Town. That'll be a good place for us to meet up. Alright, I'll see you later!" said Jake before leavng the lab.

"Okay Lorcan, your journey awaits you. Now, what are you waiting for? Go and explore the world of Pokémon!" said Professor Cypress.

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