Ack / YAY-

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Today, My class—in gym—was playing basketball. I have hardly ever played basketball. Today, I ran around so much, that I could feel my heart beating, my head was throbbing, AND I felt like I was gonna throw up. Ack. XD

But anyways, I HAVE A BIG EVENT TOMORROW! At my school, we have As and Bs. (Ex: 5A, 5B) The As are green and Bs are gold. I'm on the green team so tomorrow, I hafta wear green! YAY- I also take part in the 'peprally', which we do a whole bunch of things! Such as, what I call, the 'Rhino Race'. Which I'm in, but you hafta push a ball from one wall to the other side and back. Soo, tomorrow don't be surprised if I come back all happy and hyper. But don't be surprised if I come back unhyper and such. :3

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