Goat :3

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iM dOiNg ThE pLaY 'The Sound Of Music' aNd I pLaY a PaRt aS a GoAt AnD a ViLlaGeR!!
And since I have new activities, here my week:

Monday I have gymnastics. No more math thingy, possibly a chapter.

Tuesday I have that math thingy, possibly a chapter.

Wednesday I have play practice (Which I'm a goat :3) and then choir so most likely not a chapter.

Thursday I have that math thingy again, possibly a chapter.

Friday I have nothing, most likely not going to be on WattPad a lot because I'm at my friends house or something.

Saturday is same as Friday.

Sunday I'm normally home, I'll try my best to get a chapter out if I Didnt update any of books.


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