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TheTiredDoggo tagged me so

TheTiredDoggo tagged me so

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1) Name

2) Age
I am 10

3) 3 fears
Spiders, being alone, and the dark. (I know, it's stupid.)

4) 3 things I love
My family, my friends (online + not), and my animals.

5) 3 turn ons
I don't know what that means, nor do I really want to learn.

6) 3 turn offs
Same as 5

7) My best friend(s)
I have Morgan, Clare, Katie, and Manda.

8) Sexual orientation

9) Best date
Again, ???

10) Height
I'm like... 4' 4"

11) What do I miss

12) Time I was born
I don't know.

13) Do you have a crush

14) Favorite quote
"This bandy is so sandy!" -Me (aka the only quote I know)

15) Favorite place
My bed.

16) Favorite food

17) Use sarcasm
Yes. I use it too much.

18) Listening to

19) Shoe size
I dont know, a 5 I think

20) Eye color

21) Hair color

22) Favorite style (Sylvester was autocorrected-) of clothing
I love sweaters

23) Ever prank call
Once, the person got so mad at me.

24) Favorite movie
IT by far

25) Favorite song
I have none.

26) Favorite band
Still, I have none.

27) How I feel now
Sick, like I do every night for some odd reason.

28) Someone I love
My mom...?

29) Current relationship status
With?? I'm confuzzled.

39) Current relationship status with parents

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