The sounds

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The hot water splashed all over my naked body and ran down to my feet. The shower is the best place on earth, I thought. The radio was on and sang an old song, which reminded me of a summer day. I swayed my body to the slow beat. The little window over my head was my only light.

It was grey outside, but there would sometimes come yellow light on the white shower curtain. The sun was slowly rising above California. I was still a little bit drunk, but it just made this moment even more magical.

"IS Y/N STILL IN THERE?" I heard Austin knock on the door. He ruined my moment.

"No" I said like I was mad, "she jumped out of the window".

"No, she did not" Austin's voice calmed down, "she's too fat". I laughed and heard him walk away. "BTW, I HAVEN'T FOUND ME KEY'S YET" he yelled. They had been gone for a week now.

I turned off the water and stepped out of the bathtub. After taking my clothes on and drinking my morning tea, Austin opened the door to my room. "Did you also hear those sounds?" he asked like I knew what he was talking about, "like someone was walking 'dunk, dunk' and saying 'orrr' this night" he said.

"No" I said and spun around in my chair to face him. He reminded me of a little innocent boy. "Maybe it's ghosts" I teased.

"I know right!" he approached me with his phone. "But it's only in MY room" he showed me the screen, "see". I read the title: This is what you should do if your house/apartment is haunted by ghosts. Was he serious? He seemed serious about it.

"Are you serious?" I asked and turned my head to face him.

"I'm real serious, y/n" he said with that slowly Austin voice, "Please help me". He was so scared, but I could feel he didn't want to show it.

"You can sleep in my bed. I'm not a pussy" I said and sipped my tea. It was still hot.

"Are you sure?" he said, "It's really fucking creepy in there at night". He was so adorable. Like a little boy.

"Yes". Why was it such a big deal? He was an adult. Maybe he had played some disturbing game or something. I didn't want to let him think that I thought he was weird, so I simply tried to help him.

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