The Ghost

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"Hello. Vsauce Michael here" something said. I could not see anything but pipes, spider web, dust, old wooden boxes and a little lamp on a disk. Austin and I looked at each other with fear all over our faces.

"I think that's the ghost" Austin said and walked behind me.

"Come" I said.

"Can't we just call Ghostbusters or something?" Austin begged. I turned around.

"It's a movie, Austin" I said and corrected the placement of the baby sun glasses. "This is reality, and we have to face it even though it's hard". Austin nodded. 'DUNK, DUNK, DUNK'- sound hit my ears. We were so close.

"AAAGH" the ghost said. I walked closer and closer. "grrrr!".

"HOLY GUACAMOLE!" I yelled as I saw the back of a man with brown hair. He turned around to face me. He had a stone in his left hand. I think he was throwing it on the water pipes. Maybe that was why we could hear it in our apartment. Austin's room was next to the bathroom and kitchen.

"Hello. Vsauce Michael here" the man said again. Silence. "Ouh, is it your vacuum cleaner?" he asked. We nodded. "I'm sorry - I needed it for an experiment. Did you know that some of the earliest home vacuum cleaners needed two people to operate them - one to vacuum and the other to push or pull the heavy machinery".

"No" Austin and I said.

"Okay. But did you know that Vacuum Cleaner Manufactures Association says that 98% of households in America have a vacuum cleaner?" he asked with round eyes.

"No" we said again. "Why are you here?" Austin asked and walked closer.

"Ehm, well" he began, "I was having this channel, on YouTube, and... and I was really famous and, and, and had a lot of subscribers - but then people started to like Kevin more - so I got kicked out. Maybe..." I didn't understand anything he said. "So, I got here, but all my money got stolen, and, and, and now I live down here". His smile gave me goosebumps.

"What are ya doin' with that?" Austin asked polite and pointed to the big stone in his hand. While they were talking, I looked around. It was nice down here even though it was hard to breath, messy and not clean at all. Colored christmas lights hang all over the room, like in Stranger Things. An old brown chair was in front of a little disk with only a pen and a white piece of paper.

"I want to get electricity - that's why I took these" he said and pointed to the cords. "But it wasn't long enough - so I tried to make my own electricity. I made a whole in this pipe - because I need water. I was not sure if it was the pipe of clean water - or the pipe to poop".

"What if it was the pipe of poop?" Austin laughed.

"I could use the energy in the poop and take the gasses when it's rotten. I could make green electricity" he said a little too excited.

"What was your name again?" I asked and took my glasses off.

"Michael here" he smiled. Something about him was a little bit creepy. "And you guys?".

"This is Austin" I said, "And I'm y/n" I greeted and shook his hand which was wet. "Austin can't sleep at night, because you, like, make sounds" I said.

"oh, I'm very sorry" he said, "won't happen again".

"When was the last time you ate something?" Austin asked.

"Ehm, I found a rat and cooked it in your kitchen the other day when you were gone. I have the keys to your apartment" he said and took Austin's key up from his pocket.

"There it is!" Austin said. "How? What!" he took the keys. "I'm so confused".

"So, you've cooked a rat in our kitchen?" I asked.


"... cool" I said. "we have a room in excess, you can live there and start up your YouTube channel again" I said and padded him on the shoulder. His eyes lightened up. A smile so happy made me smirk.

"Are you serious?!" he asked and turned around.

"Yes" I said, "there is always room for another roomie" I said. Was I gonna regret this? Now I had two kids in my apartment. Michael was so happy. He even gave us our things that he took from us, without me knowing. Some of my dresses, high heels and make up. He didn't answer me when I asked why he took them. "Let's go up!" I said. We went upstairs and fixed the room to Michael. When we were finished at 5am, all of us fell asleep on the big sofa.

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