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I wake up with the motivation to open my window before Josh has to come around and remind me.

I lug myself out of bed and yank open the curtains. I see a couple people walking along the sidewalk, and though I don't recognize them, I don't think it's strange. Not like I've made much effort to welcome most newcomers. What really catches my eye and boggles my mind is the car that I watch drive by. I've never seen a car here, everyone's driveway is vacant... except they're not, a couple houses do have a car or two parked out front. I lean closer to the window to peer again at the people walking farther down the sidewalk. They're both wearing backpacks.

This is weird. I mean, I've just never seen these things here.

I'm still here, right?

What kind of thought is that? Where else would I be? I want to laugh at myself, but my heart is frighteningly still.

I abruptly close the curtains again. I back up until the backs of my knees hit the edge of the bed and sit down on it, pulling the blanket over my lap. I stare down at the carpet, dotted by burns, and I feel as though my intense gaze is burning even more into it.

Okay. I let myself think it, but not believe it. I do not let myself believe it.

I lift my head and hold my breath. I tentatively step forward and move just the corner of the curtain with my finger to peek outside again. I see another car pass by and it does actually freak me out. I throw myself back into bed, needing to catch my breath.

Where am I?

If I'm here–wherever here happens to be–where is Josh? Where is Tyler? Are they here? Where else would they be? There?

My heartbeat speeds up because I just don't know, and I can't find out because the memory again floods into my mind, the sheer terror returning instantly and making me believe it. Holding my breath, I stare at my door, expecting it to burst open at any second, but before it does, for the second time in my life, and as identical as the first, darkness takes me over.


AN: was this confusing? Prolly. It's in Jenna's POV, indicated by the asterisk *** this has happened before but I didn't explain it last time!!

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