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Lisa, who is essentially a sort of conspiracy theorist when it comes to Slowtown, has been able to come up with not a single explanation as to what happened to Jenna. As far as we've heard. She went back to her house after hearing the story to conjure up some theories, and she hasn't come back all day.

So that leaves us three to think for ourselves.

"So... basically, you left Slowtown... and came back to Slowtown," Josh tries to wrap his head around this.

Jenna nods.

"Other people have left, right?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"Yeah, but not come back," Josh argues.

"Jenna, you didn't choose to go, did you? Or, I mean- as far as you remember?"

She shakes her head, staring down intensely at the dining table we're sitting at.

"And you don't remember choosing to come back either?"

"No. I fell asleep and I woke up there, and then I blacked out and woke up here again."

"Maybe we're overthinking this," I lean back in the wooden chair, palms flat on the table, "Every person in Slowtown entered at one point. Which means there is a way in. And we're guessing there's a way out."

"Right, but we thought it was a one time entry," Josh leans back as well and stares at the ceiling as he continues, "Like, they can come and then leave, but they can't come back in."

"Well why wouldn't they be able to come back in?"

"Because no one has ever come back."

"Jenna came back. Maybe coming back is completely possible, but it's a choice no else has made."

After a long pause from Josh, he says simply, "I think you're right."

"I wanna know where the way in and out is. Have you ever thought about that? I don't think there's a road or a path that just leads out," Jenna questions.

Josh contemplates this, "Yeah, the only thing around the town is the forest. We're surrounded."

"Josh, you said the way to get here is just by walking?" I ask, and he nods, "So if someone is walking in... they had to have come through the forest. No other way, right?"

"I guess," he shrugs. "So the forest is the way in and out? It's huge, though, where does it end?"

"I don't wanna know," I sink down into the chair.

I look up at Jenna. She's still pale, eyes still flitting around, appearing very disoriented.

That's as far as we get. I quit, retreating back to my house.

First order of business: Red Bull. I pull one out of the fridge and while cracking it open, stare again at that cake. I take a sip, deciding that I have nothing better to do, might as well pick up this mystery again. This time, I try to think of any logical reason it could be there. Well, there's the obvious one: a birthday. Was it someone's birthday? Was it mine?

I haven't thought at all about what happened since I remembered. Not like I'm ignoring it, it happened, I acknowledge that, but I haven't wanted to relive it. Still don't, but it intrudes without warning, and I swear to God it flashes before my eyes for the worlds longest second. I push it out of my mind, forcing my feet to stay planted on the ground. I repeat to myself aloud that I am here, not there. I am here, leaning on the handle of the fridge more than it's made to hold. Right here, with Red Bull still sizzling on my tongue.

I collect myself. The same thought I had a minute ago comes back to me, but it's worse now.

Was it my birthday?

No way. It could've been for any occasion.

Feels like mine.

Shut up, Tyler. Don't think that.

I think it happened on my birthday.

Shut up! No way would I do that.

Oh man, my mom made this cake, didn't she? For me, on my birthday. Good God. Did I really? I...

I still miss her. I don't feel right here. I want to go back.

The light in the refrigerator flickers out.

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