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After stressful weeks Taylor needs some relief and that's exactly what Karlie is going to give her.


A heavy rain was falling on New York as the storm coming from the sea slowly approached the city. The crowded streets were still filled with men and women who roamed through them in colourful raincoats, despite of the water that was starting to invade the sidewalks.

Taylor carried on walking towards home, her feet sore because of the high heels she had been wearing for an interview and silently cursing against the cold rain that was soaking her black hoodie. Honestly the hoodie was perfect to conceal herself from the paparazzi, who were hunting her down all across the city, but now it was wet, cold and sticky against the naked skin of her back and the girl would have done anything to just have a nice, warm sweatshirt instead.

After a long fifteen minutes of walking she finally got to her hotel, where swiftly she walked across the hall barely greeting the receptionist, who probably couldn't even recognize her dressed as she was.

Without stopping she headed towards the elevator, where, once she was in, she typed the personal code to go up to her flat, which took a whole floor of the building.

While the elevator started moving Taylor noticed her reflection in the golden mirror walls surrounding her: the sleek white dress she had worn during the interview was coming out from under the old hoodie covering her up to her knees, the hood also hid part of her face while the other part was covered with messy blonde hair. She looked devastated, she felt devastated.

The girl felt as she was about to crawl on the floor and cry. She wasn't sad, she was just tired, so tired that her mind couldn't even bear it. She just wanted to close her eyes for five seconds without cameras flashing or without having to think about concerts, sells and rumours. She just wanted to be a normal girl, even if only for a few hours.

When the elevator finally reached the selected floor and the doors opened Taylor dragged herself out of it barefoot, the high heels now in her hands. The moment she raised her head to take of the hood her gaze met with Karlie's, who stood next to the couch wearing a pair of comfy grey trousers and a practical white t-shirt.

I love that damn shirt.

Without thinking Taylor tired to fix her hair and straighten out herself as best as she could, even if every single one of her muscles was screaming to just dive on the couch that was now separating the two girls.

Karlie checked her out while raising an eyebrow.

"You don't have to fake with me. I can see you're in pain."

The singer stayed put, not changing her posture as she took off the damped hoodie, staying in nothing but the soaked summer dress that exposed her bare back in the crispy air of the room.

"Karlie, I'm fine."

"If you were just a little bit more stressed your muscles would snap." commented the model as the older girl placed her shoes on the floor.

"I'm fine, I'm just tired." replied Taylor but Karlie kept looking at her not having any of it.

"... and stressed." she then added rolling her eyes.

"Ok, fine. I'm exhausted, happy now?"

"Was it so hard to admit?" asked gently the younger girl smiling at her.

"Karlie, you know..."

"I know, I know. You are Taylor Swift, the greatest singer of this century." continued Karlie walking towards her.

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