Chapter 1

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The first time I had a vision I was five. The vision I had was of my grandmother passing away in her hospital room on January 7th. It was January 4th that day. I cried for days on end because I knew that either way she was going to die. As I grew older they only got stronger, farther away. By ten I had a vision of a man in India proposing to the woman in a yellow dress. Not all visions were good or bad, it was random most times. By fifteen I was having visions twice a day from all around the globe. Russia, Ireland, Africa, Australia. There were no limits.

As a child, growing up and telling my parents about my visions, they assumed I was crazy and put me on medication. The prescribed meds only made it worse though. One night in the month of august, I had a vision of a man setting up his tent on a big, snowy mountain. But as I saw this vision, I also felt it. In a matter of seconds, I became freezing. I could feel my toes become numb and my ears started to lose feeling in them. In my vision it started snowing, I enjoyed watching it snow, because it rarely snowed in Federal, Oklahoma. I looked up into the cloudy sky and embraced the snow, only to be dragged back in the present, laying on my bed in my tiny room. I wrapped a blanket around me to try and warm up. I went over to my window and opened it to try and feel the warm summer air. I looked out my window and took a deep breath of air.


Crap, was it about to rain?


That one was louder, bigger raindrops I assumed. I closed the window in an attempt to stay dry. I layed back on my bed and tried falling asleep again.


I cover my face as my window breaks from the impact of something large. I move my hands away from my face and stare at the baseball sized ice chunk, slowing melting on my floor.

I look at my window and inspect giant hole in it. I look outside the window and hear other windows breaking as well. The temperature around me dropped to what felt like below freezing. I turn on my lamp to look for a heavy coat to stay warm. I go outside after getting warmer clothes on and it had stopped dropping those icebergs on our heads like the sky was some fat chicken. I look around at the damage and see windshields broken, glass doors that have holes through them, and metal sheds that that are dented from the recent hail storm. Luckily it didn't last long.

         People started to come out of there houses and look at the damage caused by the freak storm. I thought about the vision I had earlier, how it started snowing on that mountain. What was happening?

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