Chapter 5

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I bump into a chair while backing up and decide to just sit down and take it all in.

"Why the hell do you have pictures of me on your wall?!" I was confused and a little freaked out and I didnt know if I should leave or stick around to find out why.

"Oh no no no no, this isnt my room. This is my older brothers room. He should be home any second n-" The bedroom door opens slowly. As it open a boy, taller than Alex, walks in. I couldnt see his facial features because he was looking down at his phone. He looks up from phone and sees us.

"Alex, why are you in my room?" There was a sense of annoyance in his voice, not to mention he was obviously holding back on attacking his little brother. He looks at me.

Things started getting weirder. The older brother, he was boy from my vision. My eyes grew wide from astonishment. He looks at me, confused at first, and then he realized the same thing about me and the pictures on his wall.

"You're him."

Alex steps up almost inbetween me and him.

"Jake, this is Laciff. Laciff, this is Jake." We didnt say anything for a good 30 seconds.

"So, uh, what kind of name is Laciff?"

"Its a film festival thing. My parents were huge film fans and directors when they were younger, still kind of are. But my name comes from an event that they loved going to every year. 'Lakecity Film Festival'." My parents were strange to say the least.

"I dont see how you can get 'Laciff'out of that though." He looked confused, again.

"Ok, look." I grab a piece of paper from a desk in his room and a pencil from my pocket. I write out the words and my name. I point to the first letters of Lakecity, L and A.

"The first two letter of my name come from the first two letters of the word 'Lake'."

I then point to the half that says 'city'.

"The middle two letters come from the first letters of the word 'City'."

Then I point to the two F's in the words 'film festival'

"The last two letters co-"

"Come from the words Film and Festival. Gotcha"

Alex looks at me and then yo his brother. "So, what now?" Alex gets up from his chair and looks at us again.

"What happens is you leave so me and Laciff can talk." He flicks his head in the direction of the door to signal that Alex needs to leave.
Alex gets the message and walks put of the room with his head hanging. As soon as the door closes, Jake grabs another chair and puts it in front of me.

I started getting a headache, letting me know that a vision was bound to happen soon. He stares at me for a little bit. He looks up and down my body, like he's expecting to find something that's not supposed to be there.

"Why did you draw me?"

"I've been dreaming about you for awhile. It started a couple of years ago. After awhile of dreaming about you I started to learn how to draw. After I learned the basics, I started to draw you, a piece of the puzzle after every dream." He looked at the wall with the drawings on it.

"Do you remember what month it was in?"

"July, maybe August, all I really remember was that bad hail storm."

His dreams started the same night my vision started effecting my reality. The real world.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2018 ⏰

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