Chapter 2

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         2 years after the freak hail storm, people had finally recovered from the major damage the ice had done to our peaceful neighborhood. Even though the residents were baffled by the experience, they never knew what caused it. Thankfully for me, and experience like that has happened again. Only realistic visions. They started happening more frequently than even before. It went from twice a day, to three times a day, sometimes even four. And keeping it calm while I have then during school was a real hassle.

Speaking of which, I gotta get to school.


I arrived in my first hour class, only to be greeted by a pop quiz by the teacher Mrs. Berry. Or as I like to call her, Mrs. Ballsack. It might sound weird and rude, but if you knew her you would say the same thing. She was a woman probably in her late 60's wearing a horrible flower dress at least twice a week. She was always scratching herself during class and it made a loud noise because she was a using an old wooden back scratcher that would probably break with any other person using it. Hence the name "Ballsack", because they're itchy and annoying.

Anyways, my visions weren't always in the cold, I have had many that have been in warm places like California, Hawaii, Arizona. But uve also been to some not so nice places, like an abandoned ocean outpost, a nuclear power plant, a straight strip club. Horrifying, I know.

And it just happened as I sat down in my chair, the days first vision appeared. A boy. About my age, I think. We were on a beach, but not by an ocean, a lake. He stood at the edge of the water, with his feet slightly being consumed by water every of second. I looked around for any signs of where I was. "Lake Keystone" I read the sign in my head and realized we were still in Oklahoma, not too far away from Federal, in fact. He started to turn around, and for a split second, It looked like he was staring right at me. He looked confused. But his expression slowly changed when a girl about the same age ran through my body, forcing me out of the vision.

My sight is blurry. I guess my waking up caught the attention of everyone in the class, because they were all staring at me like they had no idea who I was or where I came from.

"Sorry." My own voice had startled me.

The girl to the right of me grabbed my should and turned me toward her in my seat.

"Find the boy." She said it so clearly, but in my mind everything was jumbled up, the vision was very strong obviously.

"Find the boy" the boy behind me sat there, in a trance it seemed like.

I looked around at everyone who were still staring at me. "Find the boy." Now the whole class had started saying it. And not unison, they were all saying it at different times, which not just made it hard to hear, but also made it kinda creepy.

Laciff Montana, Find the boy.

The voice was ominous, clear, and horrifying. It didn't come from the students who were repeating the same words, but like it was all around him.

I need to find him.

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