Chapter 4

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The day did go slow as I thought it would but I thought I would just go ahead and go to Alex's house afterwards to get whatever this was over with. I figured there had to he a reason for him asking me to his house other than "needing friends."

I eventually find his house after driving a little bit, and park in their empty driveway. Their house was a two story house with brick wall and a nice Bush wall surrounding the property to block the horrible sight of the area. The land their house was on was dry and kind of deserted, which isnt unusual in some parts of Oklahoma. I heard the town by us, Mannford, is like that, too.

I walk up their nicely placed stone pathway and ring the doorbell. Nobody comes. I ring the doorbell again. Still no one. I try the door to see if its unlocked, and to my luck, it isnt.

I walk around to the side of the house to see if there is an open window or another door I can try. I find a slightly opened window and decide that it was better than nothing.

I pry the window open even more with my hands and climb in the house. It probably wasnt the best idea, but I didnt have much of a choice if I wanted to get in this house.

I get in and close the window behind me.

"Oh good, you're here." I turn around with a disgusted look on my face.

"Alex, I was out there for like, five minutes. I dont like be kept waiting. Consider that rule number one." He kinda looked at me with a dazed look. I snapped my fingers and he came out of the daze and looked around.

"Anyways! Follow me, I need to show you something." He leads me up to a room with its walls painted a color inbetween black and blue, too light to be black, but too dark to be a navy blue. It was confusing to look at it.

He leads me over to a wall with drawings on it. I examine every one of them to understand what he wants me to see here, but there is something very familiar about these. I step back to look at them better.

Oh. My. God.

These weren't just random drawings. As I stepped back the pictures merged into one and I saw what they created.

It was me.

This dude has an entire wall with a giant drawing of...


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