Breaking Heart

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Sorry it took so long! But hey slow and steady makes perfection!

After the concert you walked out of the building as you said goodbye to yuna, "Ok now next stop is the park!" You say but as you grew near and near the park you started to see pictures of you and rin together down the sidewalk of you and ren togetherb ut then as you looked up you saw ren at the tree holding an heart shaped necklace, You walked up to him.

"Ren what's all of t-this?" You ask him feeling a little flustered, "Y/N I have been meaning to tell you this for awhile now and...I just can't stand in the dark like this.." Ren says as your heart began to pound as he held your hands, "Y-Y/N I-I love y-you I love you more than anything in this world!" He exclaims, "Oh ren I-" You was about to say but then he interrupted you with a kiss.

'I swear i'm going to explain any minute now!!' You thought as your heart was pounding then ren pulled away, "I'm sor-" He was about to say then you interrupted him, You pulled his forehead to yours.

"You know you are my best friend in this whole world and I couldn't choose a better person to have my first kiss with but.." You paused as you felt your heart sink, "I-I'm s-sorry ren b-but I just don't f-feel the same w-way! You're my best friend and I-I don't wanna change what we have!" You say as tears were streaming down your face.

Ren cried, "H-Hey don't cry Y/N" He says as he wiped away your tears. "B-But" You was about to say but then ren interrupted you again. "But you was honest to me and yourself and that's all I need to hear" Ren says with a true smile as a tear run down his face as he puts the necklace had on you. "I know your heart is breaking ren and I just wanted to say thank you for being my best friend... Your future girlfriend will be such a lucky girl" You say as you leave a kiss on his cheek then waved goodbye then started to walk home.

"I'm sorry ren...UGH! i'm such an idiot! I don't want him to be heart broke-" You get interrupted as someone pulls your hair making you grunt in pain. "Ow the heck!" You say as you look to see mina in front of you, "Miss me?" She says as mina and her friends begin to beat you up. "Ack!!" You whinced in pain as one of them elbowed you in your stomach.

You then heard an angry voice yell in your direction it sounded like woozi was the one yelling.

-The End Of Chapter Eleven, Chapter Twelve Coming soon!!


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