13 - Nightmare

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Peters pov

In the morning....

Kindly a innkeeper let me and Kenna stay at there inn. When I woke up, Kenna was still asleep so I left her but left some clothes for her to get changed into when she woke up. Meanwhile, I went to the market where everyday Cossette went to go buy something at 10am normally it would be apples; I hope that doesn't make me sound like a stalker....

I walked up to the stall she was buying from, I purposely bumped into her; she faced me with no expression. I said "Cossette! It's good to see you" she looked at me confused asking "who are you?"
"It's Peter" I only let her call me peter because that part of my name actually meant something to me so I would only let people who had some kind of special meaning to me call me that. It was as if her memories had been taken because she completely blanked when I said my name. Then her stupid fiancé came over ad put a hand on her shoulder asking "are you alright dear?"
"Yes but I think this young boy is thinking of a different person not me, I'm so sorry" it felt like a knife getting stabbed through my heart when she said I had mistaken her for someone else, it felt like a dream...more like a nightmare to be honest...

Suddenly I was woken up and strapped to a chair in a dark place, looked like a room. A voice said "you need to forget about her pan"
"Who are you? Show yourself!" I demanded but still nothing. "Oh I don't answer your demands. Yesterday was real yes but today is just a dream. Well I would call it a nightmare, I control ALL nightmares." I could feel his smugness as he said this, I asked as if I cared "is Kenna ok? Is Cossette alright? Have you done anything to them?" The mysterious person chuckled and said "they are both ok. I returned Kenna back to her father to actually have a good life. Cossette is good at kissing, no wonder you loved her; she's so loving and caring." I tried to struggle out of the ropes but it wasn't working, when I stopped; the mysterious man came out from the shadows...

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