I'm Sorry

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Janel's POV

As soon as I walked into the room I saw him laying on the bed connected with all types of cords and he looked miserable. I instantly started crying. I ran to his side and and cried on his body.

"Zion, baby I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen to you!" He just laid there unphased. 

"Well they told me that you can't move because your in a coma but you can still hear so I am going to talk to you. I will stay here as long as it takes for you to wake up." I got a chair and sat in it holding his hand with my head on his bedside.

"Honey, you know he really cares about you." His mother walked into the room and I raised my head.


"Yes, sweetheart. The day he met you, he called me later that day and and he was in such a great mood. And you did that to him." 

"Why me? I was so mean to him that day." I wiped my tears

"Baby it was love at first sight. He wouldn't stop talking about you to me." His mom laughed

I laughed with her. "Well I was talking about him a lot too." I sighed because I was wasn't sure if I wanted to tell her what made us break like this.

"Well um I have something to say."

"Go ahead sweetie, I'm here for y'all." She sat next to me

"The reason why Zion and I had argument because I'm sort of secretive with him. My past is kind of fucked up, sorry for cursing." I looked down.

"No honey, no need to correct your language, if that's how you want to express yourself, go ahead baby. What happened?" she questioned

"Welllllll I moved to Cali in efforts to run away from my...uh"

"What?" she rubbed my back

"This guy that was sex tracking me. My father sold me away to get raped every fucking night by dirty ass guys or bitches who paid this guy Maximiliano. I didn't want to tell Zion, and my friend from the house came because she ran away just 2 days ago." I cried

"Oh baby don't cry! You poor baby, you been through so much, goddam. Your father is an ass-whole. No offense." she hugged me tightly

"Non taken, he's a fucking cunt, I know." She laughed when I said that.

"Did you at least get to use protection?" she askd

"Hmm, it depended on the person to be honest. Like sometimes I did and other times they didn't let me." 

"Were there any pregnancies?"

"Several girls got pregnant and had to terminate the kids by brutal force. I don't wan't to talk anymore, I can't." 

"If you were not ready to tell people that big part of you, it's totally ok. That is some crazy shit right there." she said 

"Thank you. I know it was awful."

Then he doctor came in and told us to leave.

"Right now??" his mother asked

"Yes ma'am please. You can come visit him tomorrow." the doctor said

"Okay so you might not know who the fuck I am but I am here to support my boy friend at the break of his life and if you think I am going to leave his side again, you must me smoking dick." I said getting comfortable in my seat.

"Ma'am there is no need for that--" the doctor said

"No no no no, I am not going anywhere until he gets up, so grab ya shit and bounce, doc." I put my feet up on the chair as Zion's mother got up.

"Janel people could be in comas for a very long time." Zion's mom siad

"I know. And I will wait for him for that very long time."

"Fine. But just you young lady." The doctor accepted.

"I 'll see you later baby." his mother kissed my forehead.

"Adios." I put my feet up and pinned my hair in a bun because I knew I wan't leaving anytime soon.

" I put my feet up and pinned my hair in a bun because I knew I wan't leaving anytime soon

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I pulled up to Zion's bed and grabbed his hand as I prayed.

"God, please. Please, just let him wake up. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for not sharing my life with him enough to the point where he is almost dying, please. Please, save him for me, I love him. 

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