Chapter Two

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One month after Elizabeth had been welcomed into Ama's home, she was fully acquainted with the family and had even begun looking for a job. Her hair had even changed, now only worn in a loose bun at the base of her head. In addition, she had began losing her baby fat, having to walk everywhere she went. She wasn't as sharp as she had used to be, so Elizabeth figured there would be no problem with settling down in the small, French commune and living a happy life. However, deep down, she knew that she had to find Tom and stop whatever malicious activities in which he would surely partake.

"Did you hear back from the cafe two streets past the canal?" Amani asked, observing a pan that had been charmed and seemed the make the bread rise itself. "It's one of Ama's favorite places."

"I haven't heard yet, I was going to go over there right now and see if there is any news," Elizabeth told her as she grabbed her purse from a hook and slipped her feet into a pair of shoes she had left by the door. None of them were clothes she truly owned.

Amani smiled, "I wish you the best of luck."

Elizabeth returned the grin, pulling the door open and leaving the home. She was living a lie. To the knowledge of the Bouvet family, her parents had sent her to Cassis to get a job and learn what making money was like.

When she arrived at the cafe, she ordered a plain coffee and sat down near the window towards the back of the shop. Elizabeth decided that once she finished her drink, she'd make conversation with the waiter and slip in the question of her interview.

As she read from the morning paper, her peripheral vision alerted her to someone standing quite close in proximity. She looked up and saw a man that looked of a similar age to her, not much older than twenty. He had light brown hair that was combed over and compacted with hair gel. Stubble grazed his tan skin and his eyes were the color of a lush tree.

"Is this seat occupied?" he asked. Elizabeth didn't think he meant it in a romantic way. Her mind immediately thought that he recognized her.

"No," she replied coolly, darting her eyes back to the paper. After a moment, she looked up and saw he was still watching her. "Can I help you?"

He leaned forward in his chair, resting his elbows on the small table, "Yes, actually." Elizabeth raised her eyebrows, waiting for a response. "I know who you are."

She almost choked on her coffee, "What?"

"Eliza Brandt, you interviewed last week for the waitressing job, I'm the manager," he narrowed his eyes, feeling that she had forgotten. Elizabeth sighed a breath of relief, almost having a heart attack at the thought of someone recognizing her. "Brandt... is that a... German surname?"

Elizabeth remembered what had been going on in the muggle world while her own crisis had been occurring: World War II. Even though she wasn't German herself, she felt disrespect on Klaus' behalf for being stereotyped. "It is," she firmly stated.

He nodded, "I hold no bias, we've had quite a few refugees from Germany lately."

"Oh, I'm not a refugee, I attend Beauxbatons," Elizabeth informed him. As soon as the statement slipped from her mouth, she regretted it. Yes, Ama had said that people of France had lived in peace with witches and wizards, however, she didn't know who held prejudice against her.


Elizabeth bit her tongue and nodded slightly.

"Oh, I haven't heard of it. I didn't move here until a few years ago with a friend from Bulgaria, so forgive me for my lack of knowledge," he explained and Elizabeth breathed again in relief. She thought she had nearly been outed twice within the span of a minute.

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