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Jungguk🍪, Yoong😷

Yoong😷 hey

Jungguk🍪 hi...

Yoong😷 are you doing better?

Jungguk🍪 yeah.
Why are you even talking to me?
All your fans just think I'm a gold digger
And I'm sure your friends do too

Yoong😷 my friends don't care?
I like talking to you
And it shouldn't matter what they think

Jungguk🍪 except it does
Bc I dont want to be threatened and hated
Like don't get me wrong I freak out when you text me but...

Yoong🍪 tbh Jungkook, you're the only fan of mine who really matters
And I have no idea why

Jungguk🍪 but what is this?
You don't know anything about me
And I know everything about you. Bc I'm your fan

Yoong😷 fan or not, you're a better friend than half the people I know

Jungguk🍪 but why the sudden interest in a random fan?

Yoong😷 why the sudden doubt?

Jungguk🍪 don't ignore my point Yoongi

Yoong😷 I don't know
Would you rather I hadn't noticed you

Jungguk🍪 no but I'd rather your fans hadn't

Yoong😷 ...
That bad?

Jungguk🍪 worse
For being so untrusting
Or whatever
Read Tuesday, 11:32

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