Chapter 1

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13 years ago

Silence. That's what greets me when I lift my heavy eyelids, struggling to stay open for long.

My first thought is what my surroundings are. White walls. Advanced machines. The smell of medicines. Couches against the plain wall. A door, that could lead to anything.

I am in a hospital, I realise.

How did I get here? What happened to me?

As if on cue, a young married couple bang through the doors and advance to stand next to my bed. Worry and stress are written all over their faces. They are panting with sweat beading on their forehead.

"Andrea are you okay? We were so worried!," they both begin. "Oh my gosh I'm so glad you're okay. The doctor said you can leave in a few days!"

I stare at them with eyes as wide as the sun, perplexed.

Why were they so worried? Who were they?

"W-w-who are you?," I ask them.

They look at each other like I just told them that on a hot summer day, the sky wasn't blue. A look of stupidity and idiocy. However, that look only lasts for two seconds before it is disguised into a look of understanding and thoughtfulness.

The woman, who has puffy brown wavy hair with red highlights, says,

"We're the ones who brought you to the hospital after the tragic incident."

What incident? I think

Turns out I say that out loud and the man replies,

"A car crashed into you and you got a concussion. As a result of that, you lost your memori--"

He is interrupted by the sudden motion of the doors as doctors enter in haste.

"Oh, sweetie!," the kind doctor, who's name tag reads Stacy, sympathizes, "A five year old should not be going through this! This is awful! But, not to worry. You will be fine before you even know it!"

The doctors wearing masks check my pulse and do some more formalities. Stacy waves goodbye and escorts the couple outside as they give me one last look over their shoulders.

Regret. That is the one emotion I can fathom clearly. But I don't know why.

A few days later

"Andrea welcome to your new home!," a teenage girl welcomes. She is pretty.

I wish I was like her, I think.

Standing outside a wide and tall building, I can't help but feel excitement running through my veins. The massive board with red block letters, designated above the entrance read: Early Rise Orphanage.

Children from different nationalities, different physiques and different ages surround me. Some with friendly faces but others whose faces clearly read, "Don't mess with me."

Taking my first step into the orphanage, I can't wait for the memories I will make with new people.

Hi! You guys saw the cover right? I know. It's pretty awesome. And all credit goes to @solitudebliss. If I had half your talent I'd probably know how to draw like a boss. Thanks for the beautiful cover @solitudebliss!!!

Silent MemoriesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora