Chapter 3

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Holy shit. Is this a  university or a freaking palace?, I think to myself.

Nudging Sara and throwing a quick glance at her, she doesn't seem the least bit surprised to see this extravagant university. Tinted with caramel coloured walls and a dark brown roof with multiple windows, on what seems like the second floor is the sight of Stanford University. From the infinite width of the college to the great architecture, I wondered how long it would take me to get used to the whereabouts of everything.

Deciding where I should go, I see a crowd of students are gathered in front of multiple documents. Making our way towards them, I realise that they are documents with every students' name and their first class. Eyeing them all, I estimate that they are probably over fifty of them.

Well shit. It's going to take me forever to find my name.

Pushing past everyone, I glimpse through the first piece of paper, trying to find my name. I follow that procedure until I finally see my name on what seems like the one hundredth paper. It reads:

Andrea Shade
Biology                                                                                                                       43C

With Sara at my arm's length searching for her name, her eyes spark up when she sees it. It reads:

Sara Carter
Business                                                                                                                     75A

Guess I'll just have to find the way around myself.

After bidding a quick bye and a promise to meet at lunch, I go on an adventure called: Let's find where my class is, level 1. Frantically looking at every board next to a classroom and trying to navigate through the school, I bump into someone. This results in me dropping my phone and him dropping his books.

Great, just great!

"I'm so sorry!," I say as I bend down to help the guy to collect his books.

Taking my eyes up from the ground to look up at him, he had a rather soft feature. Not the sharp jawlines with description like: his jawline was so sharp it could cut through paper. How is that even possible? He had brunette messy hair with glasses that suited him. Eyes as blue as the ocean. Skin as pale as snow.

Snapping his fingers in front of my face, in a soft voice which only I was able to hear, he says, "Wakey wakey!"

Breaking out of my thoughts, I realise that he was talking to me and that I was staring at him.

"Oh hi!"

Way to go Andrea!

Shaking his head while looking at the ground, unable to meet my eyes, I decide to ask him where room 43C is. Pointing straight ahead and a left movement with his fingers, he looks at me for the first time and leaves.

Shy much?

Following his directions, I finally reach room 43C! That everyone, is the completion of level 1 of game: Let's find where my class is. Stay tuned for level 2.

As I step into the welcoming class, I realise exactly how much this day could get any worse. I am late! To my first class! How amazing! Ignoring the stares I am receiving from everyone, including the teacher, I make my way to an empty seat which just happens to be in front of the teacher.

"Ms Shade, why are you late?," my professor questions.

"I didn't know where the class was since today's my first day," I answer in a faint voice.

"Well, it's the 21st century and we have a thing called a map. In case you didn't know, a map helps you navigate your way. "

Wow. I love him already.

I hear some giggles from the classroom and if I were any other race, I would blush. Instead I try my hardest not to look embarrassed.

"Sir, I'm fully aware of a purpose of a map, thank you. I just struggled a bit. It won't happen again."

"Very well, take a seat. "

When is this lesson going to end?

Surprisingly, the lesson isn't as boring as I had expected it to be.

"Andrea, what is the difference between anabolism and catabolism?," the professor picks on me.

Is he picking on me because he thinks I am dumb and do not know anything? Well, I am going to prove him wrong. 

"I know, I know! Can I answer it sir? I don't think Andrea knows the answer," a girl sitting a few seats away rambles on. She looked like a Barbie doll. Not pretty but really fake and extremely overrated. I don't like her already.

Wait maybe I'm wrong... Nope don't like her.

"No Lana. I asked her so she'll answer me," the professor says in a bored voice.

"Anabolism is a set of synthesis reactions that transform simpler compounds into organic molecules, normally consuming energy. Catabolism is a set of reactions that break down organic molecules into simpler and less complex substances, normally releasing energy. The energy released in catabolism may be used in vital processes of the body, including anabolism," I blurt out with a victorious smile on my face.

Ha! Bet you couldn't say it better Lana!

Everyone looks at me like I am some sort of alien. The professor looks quite impressed but Lana. Lana is anything but impressed. She has a disgusted expression on her face. It appears that she is usually the 'teacher's pet'.

Not anymore, I think.

After the lesson ends, Lana approaches me with a sweet smile that she could fake in front of anyone, but not me. I can see right through her Barbie doll act.

"Back off! Stop acting so smart. I'm one of the top people in school so don't mess with me," she threatens.

Damn her threat is as empty as her brain. If she even has one,  I silently chuckle.

"Hey at least my name spelt backwards isn't anal," I shoot back and swiftly turn and walk away from her.

I can totally imagine her face right now. Red as a tomato.

Making my way to the canteen, I spot Sara waving frantically.  Approaching and sitting next to her, I take out my laptop and start typing.

"Whatcha doing?," Sara asks.

"Preparing a résumé for some jobs. I had to quit from the previous one. The pay was too little."

"Cool, need help? I'm an expert since I totally have a job," she jokes,  sarcasm evident in her sentence.

"Pfft sure. Do you even know what a résumé is?"

"Nope," she claims without hesitation.

Giving a finishing touch to my résumé, I leave Sara and search for some places that need employees. After thinking about it, I hand in my résumé at a coffee shop, a pet shop, a restaurant and a bookshop, hoping to receive a reply from one of them soon.

It is nearly dark by the time I get to my apartment and begin to change into my workout clothes. They are quite cute honestly. Aqua top with black leggings and second hand Nike shoes. Making my way to the gym that's located a few streets away from my apartment, I enter feeling determination and ready to sweat. As soon as I open the glass door, the first thing I see is a guy running on a treadmill. His muscles bulging in and out. Sweat dripping from his hair.

Dang he's hot. Stop! I think to myself.

Cautiously walking towards the treadmill next to him and starting to run, I realise that the hot dude next to me is gone. Looking around for him, I spot him looking at me.

I know him!

Bonjour! I realise that this update is really early, but I have to publish as much chapters as I can before the week ends. Hope you enjoyed and please vote, comment or just enjoy!

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