Chapter 4

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Those muscles. Look at those oh-so-perfect abs.

I cover my mouth to see if I'm drooling, thankfully I am not. Pretending to never notice him, I proceed my running. Satisfied with my workout after a while, I make my way towards the females bathroom. Having quick shower and dressing into my casual clothes, which turn out to be black leggings and an oversized jumper  (I changed clothes), I make my way to the exit.


That sounds familiar. Turning around, I find myself looking at an acquainted face.

"Hi," I reply, my voice like a whisper.

You look so fucking hot.

"Uh, thanks?," his voice an epitome of uncertainty.

Oh shit! I said that out loud!

Holding my hand out, I say," I see we meet again. I'm Andrea."

"I'm Jude," he answers while shaking my hand.

His hand is sweaty but smooth, while mine is calloused from always cleaning. His hand feels like it swallows mine. Despite what I think, it is not a perfect fit. But I am content. For once I am happy with this small imperfection. It is  perfect in it's imperfection. Unaware of how long we are shaking our hands and getting lost into our thoughts, I decide to break the silence and ask him a question.

"Why do you pretend like you are someone else at school? All nerdy and shy?"

He flatly stares at me, debating within himself whether he should answer or leave. In that moment, I take my time to look at his different features. Without glasses, he looks bold. Confident. Looking at the attire he's wearing right now: black joggings and an orange Nike shirt that emphasizes his muscles and abs, I wonder how different they are from what he wears at school. Baggy jeans and T-shirt with a pile of books in his hands and his backpack, slinging behind him.

"The bitter truth is: we all want to fit in. Sometimes with the right crowd but other times with the bad." With that, he leaves.

What was that supposed to mean? So much for a decent conversation.

"Wake up, lazy ass!"

Groaning, I turn and bury my head into the pillow.

"Go away Sara."

"Fine your choice. But, you don't want to be late to your Biology class again. Heard that he makes everyone clean the toilets if they're late."

With that, I begin to get dressed for school.

Fifteen minutes later, I find myself having the oh-so-delicious pancakes Sara made and checking my emails. I scream. I don't know why, but I scream. Really loudly.

"What is wrong with you, woman!?," Sara shrieks in an equally loud voice.

"I GOT A RESPONSE FROM ALL THE PLACES I APPLIED AT!," I scream, again. My voice radiating happiness.

"What!? How!? I've been trying to find a job for an eternity and you get a freaking response in less than twenty four hours!," Sara argues.

In reply, I simply smirk at her, which furthers her annoyance. She murmurs something along the lines of "...not" but I'm too busy deciding which job I will choose.

I love bookstores but I think I won't be able to work since I will be too busy smelling all the books. They are the source to my freaking existence.

Waitress. I'm clumsy so I doubt that would work.

Coffee shop. Yes that could work!

Pet store. Well, I would rather look at adorable pets than grumpy people throughout the day.

Opening the email from the pet store manager, I email them back saying I accept the position and would like to work as soon as possible.  As if on cue, Mr Earl, the manager, sends the timings of my shifts. The first shift happens to be tomorrow after university.

Checking the time, we only have ten more minutes before the first period starts. Damn it.

"Sara! We're going to be late! "

Searching for her everywhere in the apartment, she is nowhere to be found. I call her phone.

"Where are you?," I scream into the phone. I'm doing a lot of screaming today.

"I'm outside. Get your ass out here."

How the hell is she outside already? Taking the necessities, I lock the door and make my way outside. A few minutes later, we are both sprinting across the hallway and shout a quick goodbye to each other. Vivid from my memory yesterday, I  run towards my classroom.

Shit !I'm late again!

Just as the professor is about to enter, I sprint past him and take my seat before he reaches his desk. He eyes me dangerously before calling the roll. I look around me and make eye contact with him. Jude. Again, dressed as  normal with his nerdy glasses and and baggy clothes, a silent hello passes between us.

"Andrea Shade," I  hear a voice yell.

Breaking from my daydream, I reply, " Here sir!,"

"Stop daydreaming and checking out guys and pay attention!," Professor states. Everyone starts giggling.

"I-I wasn't checki-," I am quietened with his angry glare, "Yes sir. Sorry sir. "

Satisfied with my apology, he resumes.

"Today, everyone, we will be conducting an experiment. I will be pairing you with the help of the roll. I will be going down and pairing  everyone to the person who is after them on the roll."

He begins," Tony with Ash. Clary with Mia. John with Declan. "

Soon I zone out for a few seconds and remember who is after me and before me. Coincidentally, before me is Jude and after me is the queen bitch. You guessed it. Lana. I silently pray that Professor says "Jude with Andrea" instead of  "Andrea with Lana".

Please divine intervention! I swear I'll wale up early and work out if you pair me with Jude. Please, please, please. Someone sneezes, bringing  me back to reality. My name is going to be called soon. A weird thought pops up in my head. Is this what the children in the hunger games would have thought when they were choosing the Tributes? Who knew?

It is my turn soon. There is this nervous feeling inside my stomach as if I am going to puke. If only I knew how to fake puke or fake cry or fake anything! I could get out of this mess. I always knew I should have watched those YouTube videos on how to fake cry! I regret it now.

"Andrea with Lana."

Well, fuck.

Môre! Okay so things will get a bit weird from here on out. So I need your help readers. There are some things which will be changed or be different. Please let me know immediately so I can fix the problem quickly. Thank you! Oh and Happy Valentine's Day!

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