Chapter 2

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With a groan, I push myself off the bed. It physically pains me to part with it, but my internal  alarm has woken me up. There is no way I'll be able to go back to sleep. 'Sleeping in' clearly isn't in my vocabulary. Dragging my tired body all the way to the bathroom, I look in the mirror, not surprised to see that my hair is all over the place. Wishing to fade my exhaustion away, I blink four times in succession but nothing happens.

Unfortunately today isn't my day. I reach over to the tap and turn it to full blast. I never liked cold water but I place my hands under the tap and splash my face with it. Immediately feeling the effect of the cold water, I proceed to do my daily routine. My body groans in protest, not wanting to do this any more than I do.

Taking my cheap, secondhand phone I go to the music app. It is a piece of crap but I got it at cheap price. I play one of my favourite songs by Alessia Cara: Four pink walls. Laying on the ground, I regrettably start doing my two hundred sit-ups. To some it might sound easy but with me it's a task I would prefer not doing. But for the sake of my fitness, it must be done.

I'm on my one hundredth and ninetieth sit-up, and I'm sweating so much there's probably a little puddle at my feet. Despite the pain in my abdomen, I persevere until finally reaching my two hundredth sit-up. Collapsing on the ground, relieved that I'd finished my routine. My relief soon turns to despair as I realise that I will have to do it until I am perfect. Well, as perfect as I can be.

"Andrea what on earth are you doing?"

I turn to see Sara peeking at me through the doorway.

"I'm...exercising," I pant as I catch my breath.

Sara shakes her head at me sadly.

"Andrea we've talked about this. You are beautiful, imperfections and all. You don't have to change anything about yourself. "

I roll my eyes in irritation. She doesn't understand. No one does.

"Sara please don't start. You and I both know my body needs some work. I mean, look at this!," I gesture to my flabby stomach. "Anyway, why are you up so early? You don't normally wake up now. "

Sara notices the change in subject but does not comment on it.

"Are you kidding me? I could hear you from my room! It sounded like a pig being tortured while in heat at the same time."

"Come on! I didn't sound that bad!"

"Believe me, you did. Why are you still dressed in your pyjamas? We  have to go to school."

"Ugh fine!," I wince. With effort, I raise myself up, my muscles straining. Sara laughs brightly before going to the kitchen. Hmm, guess she already took a shower.

Going to the bathroom, I take a quick, cold shower. Dressing up, I put on a loose blue blouse with a pair of skinny jeans. Along with my ripped beyond repair Converse. Knowing that I can not for the life of me tie my hair, I make an afro and leave it at  that, satisfied. Grabbing my satchel at my desk, I walk to the small quaint kitchen. At my arrival, Sara looks up from making scrambled eggs.

"Wow you finished fast. You always take so long to dress up."

I shrug carelessly. It's true.

"The food's done?," I ask, walking over to our uncle fridge. I see a few eggs left, and milk, which I am pretty sure  has expired. Seeing nothing appetising, I grab a glass and drink tap water.

"Yeah almost. You going to work?"

"Yes I have to. Food's almost done."

"Come home early this time Andrea. You know it's dangerous in this area. "

"Okay okay, mother, I will," I retort teasingly.  I know she is only looking out for me. She is all I have got and I am all she has got.

Sara lays a hot plate of eggs in front of me, and I delightfully dig in. When I am finally done with the scrumptious meal, I wash both of our plates before laying them out to dry. Now done with everything, we walk out. Making sure to lock the door securely. It is a dangerous place.

We begin our long walk to Stanford University. On our way, Sara and I talk about everything. It is so easy to talk to Sara. It is like talking to a smarter, much more opinionated me. We eventually make it to the building. No one would believe that we went to such a prestigious school. How on earth would I afford it!?

Luckily, in high school we applied for a full-time scholarship and were accepted. I was so glad to leave that place. The memories there are ones I would only be too happy not to remember. I look at the grand building and think about how lucky I am to have gotten this opportunity.

Without over thinking it, I enter the place that will either make or break me.

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