Part 4

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Lian arrived at the Golden Slumbers and asked the Madam if Mei was working again that night.

"Yes," she smiled, examining Lian with a knowing look. "I believe she is."

Lian's heart was in her throat as she rushed to wait outside Mei's door. When the prostitute emerged into the hallway, Lian's heart jumped further, rushing straight out of her skull and into the open air. She forced herself to breathe before confirming that she could have another full night with the woman.

"One gold?" She asked.

Mei smiled and invited her inside. The room was the same as the night before, everything soft and rich and warm. Lian's eyes fell upon the bed and the first set of regrets she'd experienced from the night before came back to her mind.

"Should I call up for some water?" Mei asked as she closed the door and brushed by Lian towards the wooden center of the room.

"Yes," Lian said, before grabbing the edge of Mei's robes and stopping the other woman in her tracks. Mei turned to face her, surprised. "But first, I have to fix a mistake I made last night."

Lian stepped forward and took Mei's hands in her own, then leaned gently in and kissed the woman on the lips. Mei was taken by surprise, but eventually squeezed Lian's hands and pressed into the kiss. When they parted, Lian was smiling.

"I can't believe I didn't do that last night."

Mei smiled and suppressed a chuckle. "Let me get you that water."

Lian walked over to the dining table and began to pick at the fruit on the table. She wasn't hungry, but the taste of Mei's lips on her own had left a lingering desire for sweetness. As Mei lifted another tall glass of water from a tray beneath the floor and brought it over to her, Lian was suddenly not satisfied with mere food. She took the glass from Mei, put it on the table, and then embraced her again, this kiss passionate and hungry. Mei responded in kind, and when their tongues darted across one another for the first time, Lian's desire grew back to the same dimensions as the night before.

Her body urged her to repeat the delights of the previous night, but she held back. Because the greatest regret she had was not the lack of words exchanged, or the way she had used Mei as an archetype of Zhezhun beauty. Instead it was that she had not given one moment's thought to Mei's own pleasure. Lian had had her share of lovers over the years, and the worst were the selfish and the demanding. Lian had been both the night before, and even more than speaking to the beautiful woman, she wanted to pay her back for a night of release Lian hadn't even realized she'd wanted.

Their kissing continued, then escalated – soft groans passing back and forth along with their tongues and hot breath – and Lian decided to take charge, stripping the other woman down to her thin underclothes, wrapping her arms around Mei, then lifting her up into the air. Mei's eyes went wide for a moment before she remembered she was with a Shuli Go, then she giggled as Lian carried her to the bed, and set her down gently on the edge of it.

Mei tried pulling Lian close for more kisses, but Lian dropped to her knees in front of the bed, and slowly traced a line of kisses up the legs of the other woman instead. Lian's cheeks and tongue slid across Mei's legs, inching higher, and Lian luxuriated in the softness and suppleness of the woman's skin. Just as the previous night had made her aware of her stench though, Lian realized she was not, herself, quite so soft as Mei. Putting the concern aside, she inched her kisses closer and closer until she was buried in Mei's sex, eliciting a slow groan from the other woman, and a slighter, weaker version from Lian herself.

She tried to work slowly, deliberately, the way Mei had the night before, but her own desire elicited a faster pace, as the sensations of her partners' most private parts drove her wild. When she did draw out an orgasm from Mei, it was not as earth-shattering as Lian's had been the night before, but she did watch with delight as Mei's body reacted to her touch, shivering into the ecstasy of loose limbs and bucking hips.

Shuli Go Stories Vol. 4: A Week's BlissWhere stories live. Discover now